@Boston Celtics

ESPN’s Zach Lowe thinks the NBA ‘should be terrified of the Celtics’

ESPN’s Zach Lowe thinks the NBA ‘should be terrified of the Celtics’

by Consistent_Peace3181


  1. Teams are stocking up to compete against the Boston Celtics. Everyone knows what the bar is

  2. ticket21truth

    But but but Perk said no one is scared of them!

  3. they should be. teams that get put together like the Cs last season (major new additions that required major style shifts) don’t win year 1. KP will be out for a while but he’ll know what he needs to do when he comes back. basically everyone is slotted into the same roles as last year, with a little more RS fluctuation (let PP and Hauser cook, play queta and tillman a bunch).

    We ran thru the playoffs with almost zero KP!! He isn’t the celtics best player but he brings the most game breaking skills to the team. Also TATUM COULD NOT SHOOT. Will KP be healthy? Who knows. Will Tatum’s shot be fixed? Who knows. What we DO know is we can win without those at 100% and if they are..? Should be a fun season

  4. danorcs

    Zach is playing the anti-Perk on ESPN and I think he enjoys it. Good old Celticsblog fun

  5. TuesdayTrex

    The Lowe Post is my favorite podcast for the NBA. Lowe is always fair with respect to expectations of the Cs compared to other analysts imo

  6. randomwordglorious

    They were one of the five best teams in NBA history. They’re bringing everybody back. They finally got over the hump and proved to themselves they can do it in the playoffs. They’re going to be even better than they were last year. They’re going to steamroll everyone again.

  7. LarBrd33

    Fully healthy it’s one of the greatest teams of all time.  They just coasted through the playoffs and dominated the west’s best despite not having arguably their second most important player in Porzingis and having their franchise superstar going through a major shooting slump.  

    It’s a 73 win team on paper with only injuries standing in their way. 

  8. aja_ramirez

    Yeah, most of the prognosticators seem to be predicting that the celtics will regress to the mean this year. Some point to the KP injury (I think we had an even better record without him last year?) and other say the team will be content. Ignoring other major injuries, which could obviously derail any team, I am supremely confident that the Celtics will be even better this year than last.

  9. oneeyedspaceman1

    Everyone has valid points and I’d like to point to the fact that Tillman will go into this season with more time to build chemistry and with KP missing the first portion of the season I expect to see Tillman take a huge leap this year.

  10. Phalstaph44

    Jaylen brown is going to take a jump this year, I promise you

  11. According_Smoke_479

    We just dog walked everyone in the playoffs with KP barely playing and JT struggling with his jumper. If KP is healthy and Tatum figures his shot out which it sounds like he’s working on, no team has a chance against this squad. Everyone has the right mindset too, I’m very confident that they’ll be able to repeat

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