@Los Angeles Clippers

Is the Kawhi extension a fireable offense? Obviously things were looking better in the moment but still questionable given the length and his injury history

Is the Kawhi extension a fireable offense? Obviously things were looking better in the moment but still questionable given the length and his injury history

by foxwilliam


  1. LLUrDadsFave

    It wasn’t a good idea in the moment. Kawhi has a pattern of shutting shit down after he extends.

  2. OG_Mongoose

    Time for some new blood IMO. No picks is the biggest issue especially with no title to show for it

  3. ttttyttt678

    Business decision not basketball…you do know this team is moving to a new arena right?

  4. howzdaweatha

    Idk man, hindsight is always 20/20 and like you mentioned, things looked relatively optimistic at the time. A Kawhi when he’s available is that fucking good. He’s so good that you put up with his injury bullshit and you scheme your entire season to try and ensure he’s available for the playoffs. The team just got unlucky with that game whereas the Raptors won the lottery.

    With that said, obviously the red flags have been there but I think the context of the situation really made cutting him a less attractive to the team. I just don’t see how you move into a sick ass stadium and kick off a season with your marquee player being James Harden at this stage in career or even if losing Kawhi meant keeping PG, he’s clearly just not at the elite level he was when he joined so every alternative felt like a lose-lose to me.

  5. Charliebitme1234

    This same guy would be posting how trash of a decision extending PG was if we did it.

  6. withadabofranch

    Yeah we should’ve let Kawhi walk and tank for the 1st pick of the 2nd round….

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