@Chicago Bulls

D Rose has an announcement tomorrow yall ….

I think it’s over ….

by deadbeatmerc


  1. Maybe I’m an idiot but what about the post suggests something tomorrow?

  2. stop-trying-2-be-god

    I was a senior in high school during that sixers game… I’m not ready for this

  3. 21-hydroxylase

    One-day with the Bulls. That’s all I ask for.

  4. talclipse

    Half the Bulls are Point Guards, ain’t no damn way!!

  5. Matthewmarra3

    Man I always hoped he’d come back here even if just for a season

  6. RiamoEquah

    “I’m taking my talents back to Chicago”?

  7. ActionNo436

    No fuck it, sign him to Chicago. He can play center, I’ve watched him do it

  8. PROFsmOAK

    Things don’t usually go our way, so I’m not going to expect much.

  9. shbeven

    i hope he comes back for a ten day out something so he can retire a bull

  10. banana_hammock_815

    Just for everyone wondering, there’s no world where he asks Memphis to release him so he can retire

  11. clintgreasewoood


    He’s going on the bachelor

  12. rowmean77

    If Deng can do it Rose can do it!

    Come on Jerry you have to do it!

  13. ![gif](giphy|HoSyEAe48WBpTCmEz4|downsized)

  14. Aradune9

    He’s retiring, isn’t he… there’s been signs all year.

  15. DirectDiscussion1116

    Retiring .. live a better life with fame in money family

  16. zerodius

    If he is retiring, I hope he does a one-day deal farewell with the Bulls. Really a shame how injury ruined what appeared destined to be a Hall of Fame career

  17. Spicy_Mustard007

    If this is a retirement announcement, this is so heartbreaking. Truly the end of an era 💔

  18. Leibs99

    I swear just last year it was 2011… I’m racing to finish my homework so mom will let me turn on the Bulls. Where has the time gone?

  19. InGoodKompany

    That one day contract/retirement announcement is going to destroy me

  20. VibezzSZN


    This could either be the best news or the worst…

    I’m not ready

  21. balloonz_v1

    I think he’s gonna have a farewell season with the bulls and then retire. His caption said, “The Renascence.”

    The renascence means the revival of something that has been doormat

  22. Available-Mouse-5532

    For all those saying he should retire in Chicago why should he? The bulls did him dirty y would he come retire here after the way they did him

  23. Martha_Fockers


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