@Golden State Warriors

The bar has become so low. 😭

Split screens are a basic, uncomplicated part of a team’s playbook lol like it should not be this big of a deal that a guy going into his 7th year in the NBA set one and then slipped it for a layup without having to work on it as a team.

by taygads


  1. Top5hottest

    Is this another ‘I know more than Steve Kerr” thread?

  2. ImTheBestNerd

    These types of plays aren’t always intuitive tho.

  3. strawhatg0rilla

    Bro, read the full quote. It sounds like he did something that Dray & Steph do in their sleep w/ this offense, likely they have a sense of how to run Kerr’s motion style. TBH, we should be excited that they know the fundamentals. The Dubs have been so used to pyrotechnics from Steph & Klay that they often give up a layup/dunk for 3s. While it can be soul crushing for the opponents, it’s pretty disappointing when they miss. Giving up guaranteed 2 pts for a 40% chance at 3 pts isn’t good math, no matter how exciting it can be.

  4. System_Lower

    Please. This quote could be from any of our championship years.
    Come on man, you know what Steve likes.

  5. RonnehPC

    Players other than Steph making a layup is a luxury nowadays

  6. Ahrilicious

    I just wish our offense becomes more fluid with a lot more options than Steph carry us

  7. paranoidmoonduck

    Oubre was in his 6th year as a Warrior and didn’t know how to do this. Wiggins came here in his 6th year and had to be taught how to do this.

    The whole point of the system here is that, if a guy can be aware and can do the things that result in easy buckets, the team can put together a strong offense, but if they can’t the system can become extremely unwieldy.

    It’s good to have guys who don’t have to be taught this, it will increase the odds that the more advanced sets can be learned quickly and integrated earlier in the season.

  8. costanzathegreat

    This sub is so fucking stupid man

  9. Electrical_Moose3404

    not all players understand how to play in different systems and the warriors happen to be a difficult one to understand. if someone doesn’t understand that fact i would simply point at Kelly Oubre jr. and his time with the warriors as an example

  10. Baconator218

    Do you realize how many reads there are to a simple post split play?

    Also, go back to the first year Kerr coached and see how they ran the split. There were many growing pains.

  11. IcyCorgi9

    That’s what happens when you take a team built around high IQ play and then reload it with a bunch of athletic freaks with minimal understanding of the game.

    I know this is only MDJ’s second season as full time GM but he was Myers right hand man for the few years leading up to this and deserves more blame then he gets. This guy isn’t qualified for the job and every day he remains employed as GM is another day we waste Steph’s talent.

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