@National Basketball Association

Marc Cuban says eventually there will be a $1 billion contract in the NBA “ You’re gonna have players making more than the owners. ”

Marc Cuban says eventually there will be a $1 billion contract in the NBA “ You’re gonna have players making more than the owners. ”

by Fit-Structure-9395


  1. Kwilly462

    And whoever gets it, will be someone who probably doesn’t deserve it, but the team knows they can’t let him walk.

  2. atltimefirst

    How does this make sense when the players get 50% of the revenue and split it amongst all of them

  3. mMounirM

    and with the league expanding you’re gonna have more teams being forced to max “good to great” players just to keep them.

  4. bball_nostradamus

    That’s cap. Someone has to pay the bills. The only way this happens is if they give a huge chunk of ownership to the players. The most we will ever see is like a couple percentage points.

  5. At that time milk and egg will cost hundreds a box.

  6. SliMShady55222

    Of course he says this after years of being a majority owner. But now he’s not and he dont have to foot the bill

  7. Parlett316

    “How about you give me the contract and I’ll give you the team”

  8. ItsLe0n

    IMO there will be a salary bubble burst before that happens. Could it happen within our lifetime? Probably…but I don’t think it will happen anytime soon. 

    Mark is an expert at timing bubbles..

  9. GolotasDisciple

    I mean, it’s unique because basketball is a global sport. The only other comparable global sport is soccer (football), but the USA has never really invested much into it. If the USA soccer league were on par with the Premiership, Bundesliga, Serie A, etc., we’d be talking about a completely different scenario.

    But as it stands, everyone loves basketball, and the NBA is where the best players compete to win. NFL, NHL, and Baseball just don’t have the same global reach.

    It’s more likely for American volleyball players to be recognized internationally than an NFL superstar. The only exception who transcended to international superstardom is Tom Brady.

    NBA super stars are global stars. We literally grew up with people like MJ globally…

  10. Comrade_agent

    LeStephron Currames will sign that 7 year 1billion dollar contract in 2072

  11. HighOnGoofballs

    Got forbid folks just made a little less money and tickets and concessions could be affordable

    Owners and players

  12. DopedUpDoomer

    More than the owners? Cuban saying some wild shit lately lmao

  13. Ok-Statement-5454

    Ima be in my 60s when that happen

  14. Maybe in a pure salary or year to year basis but Cuban bought the Mavs for for $285M in 2000 and just sold them at a valuation of $3.5B. I am not sure if the exact details of the deal (he apparently still owns 27%) have come out but that is $3.15B over 24 years that is still over 130M a year.

    Tatum will make 71M in the 29-30 season so there is still quite a gap there.

  15. SaNMaN-9

    At least he said that the players make the league and they deserve the money but come on Mark…u also gotta get paid the big bucks in order to pay player’s these enormous salaries!

  16. ITT:

    People who didn’t watch the video.

    People who don’t understand the difference between revenue and profit.

  17. AdSignificant6748

    The asset/team itself always retains or grows in value, you don’t really have to do fuck all with it if you don’t care, and it still turns a profit. Sounds like one of those American monopoly bullshit industries. Oh wait. It is

  18. beatrailblazer

    if you dont count the value of the team, then yeah that’s very possible. I wouldn’t be surprised if lebron/other max guys already make more annually than some of the owners

  19. CarBallAlex

    Just so people understand this, contracts can increase 8% every year

    If we take 5 years and list the amounts at

    – Year 1: $172,900,000

    – Year 2: $186,732,000

    – Year 3: $200,564,000

    – Year 4: $214,396,000

    – Year 5: $228,228,000

    This is a $13,832,000 (8%) increase ever year from the $172.9M and totals out to 1,002,820,000, or just over $1.00B

    If the supermax is 35% of the salary cap, then we can reach the $1B contract when the salary cap is around $494M (172.9 is 35% of 494)

    This means the cap would have to be about 3.5x higher than it is for 2024-25. When the cap was 3.5x smaller than it currently is, it was around 2001-2003. We are nowhere close to this.

    There’s likely a more exact number to land exactly on $1B, but a $1B contract is not on the horizon anytime soon, even with extremely lucrative tv deals that can cause the cap to jump enormous amounts.

  20. DumasThePharaoh

    Who brings more value to an org?

  21. Drak_is_Right

    At some point we need to tax this legally created monopoly appropriately. Player salaries and owners incomes alike would take a hit

  22. SnooPies5622

    Let’s do one day where the owners disappear, and one day where the players disappear, and see how the basketball is affected each time

  23. GotMoFans

    Make more with the owners who don’t sell their teams.

  24. Due_Connection179

    Someone should really stop raising the salary cap before most tickets are too expensive for the average fan…oh wait…

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