@National Basketball Association

“ You might want to talk trash when you’ve won something. You know, if this came from some of the of the guys on the Celtic team, OK you might want to look at it. But you haven’t won anything.” -Magic Johnson on Anthony Edwards comments about the older generation of players.

“You might want to talk trash when you’ve won something. You know, if this came from some of the guys who just won on the Celtic team, OK, you might want to look at it. But you haven’t won anything. If I’m Anthony Edwards, I’m concerned about the Dallas Mavericks, about OKC, about Boston, about all these great teams. … Concentrate, because you got beat by the Mavericks. You didn’t make it to the championship. So I’m concentrating on that instead of what happened in a time you wasn’t born.”

by Mechaultima


  1. Frankaragatan

    Magic never disrespected Cousy, Oscar and Jerry West. He just plays and wins

  2. DaKingindaSouff

    An elite athlete in an older era given the modern advances would be an elite athlete still. I remember reading about West and those guards from back in the day having the ability to do more sophisticated dribbling combinations but were restricted by the rules of their era.

  3. chief1555

    I really wish they’d made a third season of winning time

  4. LukeKornetistheGOAT

    The NBA is the only sports league where the older legends are actively disrespected by the fans. Shit makes no sense and is harmful to basketball discourse imo

  5. Greelys

    “But people say I resemble MJ at times, Ervin.”

  6. GorillaGlueWookie

    Na, I don’t agree with what Ant said at all, but if you’re going to talk trash in the media be consistent before and after

  7. Sharcbait

    The season really needs to start already if this non-story is still getting talked about a month later.

    Ant (a player known to have no filter) made a sweeping statement about the older generation and we need EVERYONE to say how it makes them feel. Have we heard what Shane Battier or Detlef Schrempf think of this statement? How about Ryan Gomes? Has he weighed in on it yet?

    The dumbest thing about it is that a lot of older players have made sweeping statements about how the younger generation of players aren’t tough enough to play in their era. We don’t get 85 soundbites with young players talking about their feelings getting hurt everytime that happens.

  8. domenic821

    Anthony Edwards says ridiculous things about older generations. Magic’s response, that you can only have a valid basketball opinion if you’ve won a championship, is also ridiculous.

  9. EffTheAdmin

    Why are we posting this again today?

  10. justiceway1

    I never understand why some guys like to say players from previous eras would be bad today. Those guys were huge relative to their time and the capacities in that time, you don’t think that if you adapt them to today’s standarsa they wouldn’t be equally good, maybe even better if you’re arguing that they were so good in an era that wasn’t as advanced as today?

  11. MasterTeacher123

    I feel like even if he was coming off back to back titles there would be a push back

  12. diabetbro

    Ant just says shit. He also said that he doesn’t want the Michael Jordan comparisons because he’s not nearly as good. Was this a dumb/ignorant comment by Ant? Yes. Is this getting blown way out of proportion? Also yes.

  13. HowlAtTheSky

    Is Ant supposed to give a shit when a bunch of the older generation of players constantly talk shit about one of his teammates?

  14. AccomplishedBake8351

    I think it’s kinda annoying how an old head insulting the new guys is seen as dumb, fun hating but when new guys do it it’s seen as like disrespectful and immoral lol

  15. mariogotse

    oh cool, magic sees the mavs in the same tier as okc and boston. from here on out i take everything he says as gospel.

  16. train345643

    Genuinely, why are we still talking about this lol

  17. DinerEnBlanc

    Damn, he’s still talking about this

  18. awesomeness6000

    I kinda want the Wolves to win it all this year just to see the crazy shit Ant will say

  19. marsupialsuperstar_

    I love the modern media cycle and how something said mostly in jest from a guy who loves to joke around gets aggregated over and over so a bunch of people on reddit get to take it super seriously and complain about it to no end

  20. Whoareyoutho9

    I love how this is pulled from a article of all places

  21. 3rdtryatremembering

    Everyone thought it was hilarious when the whole NBA was laughing when Noah Lyles lost.

    Y’all better not be but hurt when the legends start clowning Ant for losing.

  22. BigStretch90

    That comment by Ant just shows lack of knowledge and respect he has for the history of Basketball

  23. thenagz

    Well he did win the Olympics lol

    Why would anyone take what Ant says seriously? Dude is an obvious troll

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