@Toronto Raptors

Vince Carter gets emotional as Masai Ujiri announces that the Raptors are retiring his jersey.

Vince Carter gets emotional as Masai Ujiri announces that the Raptors are retiring his jersey.

by ToronoRapture


  1. AHImusic

    F’ what every body else says, Vince Carter the former Toronto Raptor is a legend. I don’t really care about how it ended, what he did while he was here was electrifying!!


    Gonna say my piece before another post gets bombarded.

    I’ve long gotten over what transpired. It’s been 20 years. Sure, there’s blame to go around. Sure, VC didn’t exactly make himself look great in all of that. But like it or not, he was an integral part of this franchise’s early history.

    Yes, if we were a totally hapless and complete irrelevant franchise during that entire timespan after he left (think Charlotte for example), then yeah, I’d still be pissed off at what happened.

    But in that time since, I’ve seen the likes of Kawhi, DeMar, Siakam, etc play for this team and give it their all. I’ve seen multiple playoff teams. I’ve seen multiple cult legends and fan favourites play for this team like Amir Johnson, Norman Powell and Serge Ibaka. I get to look forward to the young dinos now. And most importantly, I got to watch the greatest Raptor of all-time in Kyle Lowry lift the Larry O’Brien trophy. The franchise has an identity bigger than VC now.

    So frankly, I’m at peace now. I’ve already experienced the highest of highs I could experience in supporting this team. I’ve moved on from VC’s past.

    Clearly, this still means a lot to not only him, but the organization, and a shit load of fans. I’m happy he gets his number retired, and I’m happy it’s finally the end of the VC chapter.

  3. extremelegitness

    Hoping this sub gets a little more positive towards this retiring soon

  4. softredditorsbquirt

    Cry babies malding and banging their desks right now 🤣

  5. t-earlgrey-hot

    How do you watch this and continue to choose to be salty. There were great times and he’s a raptors legend. For me it’s a chance to remember the most exciting player to put on the jersey when I was a kid who made me love watching basketball.

  6. AMJVC15

    As a fan In his late 40’s I’ve been a fan since day 1, this past week has pretty much made me leave this sub. I get Vince left on not great terms there was some bad blood on both sides but the utter nonsense that gets thrown around in these comments is insane.

    Whatever happened it’s over and when you look back and remember the memories he gave us early basketball fans we had never seen anything like it and never did again until Kawhi came for 1 year.

    If you don’t like the retirement fine you probably are just regurgitating sentiments from others over the years, Vince is my favorite player of all time, it hurt when he left but it is what it is.

    If you actually were a raptors fan back then you couldn’t believe how lucky we were, primetime NBA on NBC. Raptor fans all over the world even though we were a terrible expansion team in another country, it was a phenomenon.

    I don’t care that you don’t want his jersey retired first or at all and I’m sure you don’t care what I think. The point is he was a big part of our history and if you can’t look back and enjoy it you just want to be angry.

  7. sergey_ford_dix

    Put us on the map. I’m not even Canadian and the raps are my team bc of Vince!

  8. PsychologicalHall905

    Ima GONNA to cry if Masai exits

  9. SaltwaterRetriever

    The Raptors don’t exist without Vince.

    Say what you want about how it ended but Vince is the player who put the Raptors and Toronto on the NBA map.

    Am I still pissed about Game 7 vs Philly in ’01? Yep.

    Doesn’t matter. That was 20 years ago.

    Give this man his flowers.

    Kyle will get his in due time.

  10. Aggravating-Lake-717

    I’m currently visiting Toronto. I went to a store today, they are selling his jerseys

    Happy for Vince Carter and the city of Toronto. This is great

  11. supernaturalfor

    People act like Vince was Steve Francis or Alonzo mourning or something…the guy played for us, re-signed with us and then ya he didn’t leave on the best terms or in the best manner but upper management was much more at fault for how it was handled and what we got in return which then set us back years. If they were so hell bent on trading him they should have done it in the summer before his view dropped and we had to get a bag of shit in return

  12. brownjitsu

    If your a fan of basketball in Canada, there is a good chance Vince is the reason why.

    The ending was awful, but the management group and stigma playing in Canada backc then was real.

    It’s well earned, no doubt.

  13. I’m not over it in the sense that I don’t think we should be honouring a guy who quit on the team as the first instance of a retirement but it’s impossible to deny his importance to Canadian basketball. I don’t spend all day thinking about Vince. He’s still the most impressive player I have seen play for the team (outside of Kawhi) and he grew the sport in Toronto, and that has also built a future for Canadian basketball.

    But I will say that the damage caused by him not only demanding a trade but dogging it before hand is part of the reason we got a terrible package for him. It’s part of why the stink of playing in Toronto persisted (and to some extent still persists).

    We obviously can look fondly on winning a championship in 2019 but that had nothing to do with any of the direct or indirect moves from Carter quitting.

    It’s happening either way. I’m fine with it because of his significance to growing the game here but he ultimately played less than half his career in Toronto and left with negative circumstances. The organization wants it. He’s happy. Bring on the 2025 season

  14. BigMost8851

    I’m over all the saltiness I’ve been throwing since this has been announced. Everyone has a different opinion on Vince but I can’t change it now, so good for him. I just really hope in the next 10 or so years I see #7 and #10 up there with him too.

    Edit* lol anyone wanna explain the downvotes?

  15. Raptors9211

    As a new immigrant back in 1999 Vince Carter got me into basketball and something to follow along and “fit in” with the Canadian culture.

    Glad we are doing this

  16. Annual_Plant5172

    Checking the schedule it looks like Philly is playing on November 2nd. I know it’s likely a stretch, but it would be awesome for Kyle to get that night off so that he can be in the building with VC and DeMar for the ceremony.

    The past is the past, and It’s about time that the Raptors start honouring their history after 30 years. Having the franchises first superstar and one of Toronto’s sporting icons only makes sense. It would have been a shame to see him into the hall of fame in October, only to be ignored by the club and not having his number in the rafters.

    It’s going to be a special night, and a nice sign of things to come as guys like Kyle and DeMar start to wind their careers down and wait their turn to have their banners alongside Carter’s.

  17. Milkman_843

    Love and respect to you VC. idc what anyone says you deserve this man. 🏀🦖

  18. KarlaEnticing

    Such an emotional moment! Vince really made an impact on the team.

  19. double-baconator

    Good for him. At the end of the day I don’t have strong enough feelings about this to be a hater or be salty. His number was always going to be retired. I just wish it was after the GROAT. Oh well.

  20. Synopog

    I fully accept the retiring of his jersey. Lets not forget how bad Rob Babcock was as a GM. Rest his soul but he made terrible decisions and set the organization back.

  21. onaneckonaspit7

    I think once his jersey is retired, and he feels all the love surrounding the event, he may find it in himself to take the responsibility we all want from him


    you can’t deny the greatest and the love for the team and city he still has, this video should make it obvious. People you love can fuck up, to truly care is to forgive. The retirement will be a great day for the franchise, go raps

  22. Winter_Purpose8695

    Fuck it, Vince’s tears says it all, welcome back VC

  23. plexiglassmass

    Vince cried a lot during his playing days

  24. mixxAOR

    Close this chapter. I’m glad he acknowledged people who have “mixed feelings” about this and validated the way they feel. Can’t forget the past.

    Gotta go bigger for Lowry’s retirement though

  25. SiakamMIP

    I’ve been hurt by this man. But it’s because he was such an amazing person and player when the times were good, that it was hard to watch his departure. I remember my daily walk home from school in the 3rd grade I’d see this giant mural of him on the side of a building overlooking a parking lot right across from maple leaf gardens. He was such an icon in his prime.

  26. jmerica

    This man caused my dad to cancel season tickets because he didn’t want to *try his best*. I’ll always be salty honestly.

  27. ssteeephen

    Big up VC15! It took me a long time to get over the break up but like everything in life, you’re where you are despite all things positive and negative. This changed our team through the Bosh era, the rebuilds, the Zoo crew and eventually the 2019 Champs run.

    Well deserved and it was our pleasure having Air Canada on our team!

  28. Moneymakessense29

    As a kid watching Jason Kidd ride Carters back after the game winning shot and then Vince getting Mo Pete kicked out that was all really hard to watch, it seemed like he got extra juice when he faced us and always found a way to “Lebronto” us any chance he could get. With that being said I am a grown man now and I’m indifferent about everything because it doesn’t affect my life lol

  29. BidetBlaster

    Vince not only propelled the Raptors into relevance, he inspired a whole generation of Canadian kids to get into basketball. Just look at the results

  30. DelusionsofInsanity

    Yes!!! Vinsanity welcome back home!!!! 

  31. Frickstar

    Lowry should’ve been the first jersey this is so shitty. Dude quit on us and is getting honored for it.

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