@Philadelphia 76ers

It hurts that we are the 9th most winning team over the past 5 years out of all 4 professional sports leagues and objectively have accomplished the least in that time out of the top 10 we are keeping company with. Let’s change that this year.

It hurts that we are the 9th most winning team over the past 5 years out of all 4 professional sports leagues and objectively have accomplished the least in that time out of the top 10 we are keeping company with. Let’s change that this year.

by TheFaytalist


  1. Das_Squirt

    Only 4 teams in the top 10 have won a championship in the last 5 years though. It’s pretty hard to do

  2. Doobie_Howitzer

    What have the Bills and Ravens done that we haven’t? Winning a 7 game series in the second round is way harder than stealing a single win

  3. ihorsey10

    It’s also impressive considering the amount of talent Embiids had around him.

    The past 5 years also excludes the Jimmy Butler year. It starts with the Horford Richardson debacle. Then we get a Ben Simmons no show. A half season of Harden. A Harden no show.

  4. XtremeStumbler

    Im shocked the saints are that high

  5. Honestly an impressive feat being this good for this long

    Very depressing that there’s no playoff success to go with it

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