@Atlanta Hawks

Nick Ressler was promoted.

Nick Ressler was promoted.

by Chessh2036


  1. MiserableSoft2344

    I’m willing to give Nick the benefit of the doubt he won’t meddle as much as his father.

  2. EchoedTruth

    This could in theory move him away from fucking with day to day stuff. That’s a good thing. He’s always gonna have a big say in big moves.

  3. BraxxIsTheName

    Young man worked his way up from nothing

  4. Both_Funny4896

    must be nice to be born to a billionaire

  5. LutherOfTheRogues

    Life ain’t fair. More at 11.

  6. Masterchiefy10

    Can we get a nepo law to prevent teams from going all Lakers (without LA post Dr. buss the lakers never win more than 20 games a season again)

  7. SurnameFrost

    This is why the Hawks will never be a serious team. It’d be different if we had a legitimate FO for him to learn from. We’re just an org of friends and rich kids circlejerking

  8. Binmurtin

    Same job just a way to get a pay raise over COL increase or standard 6% IMHO. Companies do this all the time even sports franchises.

    Big Nick (shoutout Den of Thieves) is real keen on keeping his LinkedIn updated in case this front office fires him but whatever.

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