@Minnesota Timberwolves

[Jon K] The word from the Towns camp is this: “Stunned.” Nine years with the Wolves. Impeccable in the community. All-Star and All-NBA. Now a New York Knick.

The word from the Towns camp is this: “Stunned.”

Nine years with the Wolves. Impeccable in the community. All-Star and All-NBA. Now a New York Knick.

by Sp_Gamer_Live


  1. rostron92

    I would agree with that sentiment, but then again, with the contracts as they are, this was inevitable. Truly wonderful human being above all else…

    The new york media is going to destroy that man.

  2. BarForsaken4324

    killing myself rq, anybody need anything?

  3. Formal_Junket_1585

    Kat to the Knicks been a thing every year I doubt hes that “stunned”

  4. Epicapabilities

    Business is business but not keeping him in the loop is the dirtiest possible move

  5. RabbiGoku

    It’s a business, wish KAT all the best. One of the greatest wolves ever.

  6. tulaero23

    Why Randle though? Dude does not fit the timeline and came from an injury

  7. JaderMcDanersStan

    This is so fucked up. What the fuck

  8. Majestic-Tie-9944

    TC just made this team worse than last year. Fucking awful trade.

  9. Gotta see how the rest of the deal shakes out, but we just moved one of the worst contracts in the NBA for two of the best contracts in the NBA.

    The Randle/Rudy fit is gross, but Randle is a great fit in the front court between Naz and Jaden.

    Donte’s value is dependent on Ant evolving into a primary ball handler, which I don’t love. But he’s a fucking sniper on a great contract. We’ll figure that out.

  10. Extremelixer

    Ive definitely been hard on KAT in the past. Wanted him traded even. But not like this. My heart breaks for him.

  11. Vitzkyy

    Holy shit KAT has been my favorite player for a decade and now he’s gone just like that and to make it worse the trade is dog shit.

    The Twins cut payroll and shit the bed and depressed the fuck out of me and now the Wolves are doing the same fucking thing

    I’m going to miss KAT more than any player that’s ever left a team before

  12. Majestic-Tie-9944

    Clearly ownership prioritizes being fucking cheap over winning.

  13. KAT and Ant deserve better than this shitshow

  14. MaruhkTheApe

    I can’t imagine this helps the locker room.

  15. SnooGuavas7291

    1 Positive for KAT: he’s from New Jersey so he’ll be closer to home 🥲

  16. yarn_install

    Trades happen, but doing it like this to KAT is just dirty. Hope he kills it in NY.

  17. yeetyateyote14

    THIS WILL WIN IT FOR US (I am delusional)

  18. This is a salary dump. I’m pissy about this, I picked up the wolves as a secondary team largely due to KAT.

    Randle is a worse fit in terms of his skill set and his attitude imo. And dude is gonna get bitchy if they don’t supermax him when he’s up for it regardless.

  19. ARoodyPooCandyAss

    Was on the fence to pay for that piece of shit ballys app 24 hours ago. I won’t need it now.

  20. laspen1250

    I mean we’re just begging Denver to kick our ass in the playoffs, any talk about extending a window while jokic exists and we swapped KAT for fucking RANDLE is delusional

  21. VikingsandWolves

    We are all stunned. I get this is clearly a huge vote of confidence in Naz moving forward but KAT was all-NBA just last year and is still a much better version of Naz at this point while bringing an element of passing on offense Naz hasn’t developed yet. I don’t see how Randle+Dante makes us better now than having KAT on this roster that made it to the WCF.

  22. Careless-Base1164

    This is fucking disgusting. I’m so upset.

  23. Antitect


  24. ApprehensiveStark25

    Not the move. Respect to KAT. Thanks for the memories.

  25. 20powerbeast23

    Nobody is stunned. Not enough cash to go around. Great move by TC.

  26. Sufficient_Bee_6831

    Knicks fan here – just saying to all fans, don’t forget about Donte. Y’all got one there. He literally gave us one of the best game winners in the playoffs I’ve ever seen. He can really play. He’s a huge W to this trade.

  27. anupsidedownpotato

    He wanted to retire a wolf and so did we. It’s heartbreaking it comes down to money but I guess someone had to go eventually

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