@Minnesota Timberwolves

[Krawczynski] One thing to be clear on tonight: KAT did not request this trade. He never has requested a move in nine years here.

[Krawczynski] One thing to be clear on tonight: KAT did not request this trade. He never has requested a move in nine years here.

by Knightbear49


  1. rostron92

    His contract was untenable. That’s the long and short of it.

  2. cjparloe

    stop jon I can only handle so much pain in one night 🙁

  3. RedEyeBadGuy

    That’s what I love about him. The guy stayed with this losing ass franchise all these years and now that we are finally a contender we ship him off to the Knicks. Life isn’t fair bro

  4. LeeChangIsBae2

    No shit! Way to kill the chemistry, Connelly.

  5. foye2smith

    Fuck Tim Connelly.

    Randle is going to be a malcontent. Donte is a role player. With Detroit’s recent history that 1st may not even convey.

    Fuck Tim Connelly again

  6. Vitzkyy

    I get the contract was probably bad but wow, we just absolutely shafted our second best player in franchise history and did it while he was loyal to us through the dark ages

    Fucking yikes man

  7. TSwan98

    Kat was my favorite player. This one hurts

  8. lmaofucksakelads

    Timberwolves through and through till the very end

  9. AlexTorres96

    Loyalty is only as good as the person reciprocating it.

  10. Mannymr

    One of the best parts of last year was the chemistry of the team. How do any of the players feel comfortable anymore? Yeah, I get that being a fan is fundamentally irrational but damn.

    The effed up thing would be if we and the Knicks end up in the Finals…and KAT gets his ring.

  11. quiksilva86

    TC a double agent who tried to kill is with the Rudy trade but it failed so he doubled down with this one

  12. Starlight1017

    Honestly, deep down, he is probably happy about this. He is from the area and can compete for a championship.

  13. ChbbyKttns

    I can’t believe we traded the most loyal wolf for that bum Randle 💔

  14. gangleskhan

    I love kat as a person, less as a player. But this makes me sad. Is randle the guy we want?

  15. WrestleBox

    If memory serves, he made kind of a cryptic comment after our elimination to the effect of “a lot can happen in the off-season”.

    It felt like he potentially knew something was brewing.

  16. OperahouseGuner

    Maybe he should of asked for a pay cut to bring in players

  17. HawaiianPunch42

    I will wear my KAT jersey with so much pride now

  18. swawesome52

    The Knicks are now my second favorite team. (I felt this way last year, but now I have a reason to root for them)

  19. Pyschic_Psycho

    KAT would never request a trade. The dude was ready to ride or die in MN. He said that the moment we drafted him.

  20. verify_deez_nuts

    I’m so fucking devastated, dude. Fuck. Just fucking destroyed.

    KAT made me believe in this damn franchise again, even through all the bullshit he’s had to deal with there. Gets on a winning Wolves team that has a lot of promise for the future, and just gets dealt for Randle and DiVincenzo.

    We hated the trade for Gobert, and that one has paid off so far, but this just feels more personal. Haven’t felt so down on a trade since KG went to Boston. I know this doesn’t make us a bad team instantly, but aside from Ant, KAT was the last player I wanted to trade…maybe ever. That dude gave his all here.

    I wish him well in New York. Fuck, man. This sucks.

  21. mikedtwenty

    The Wolves didn’t deserve his loyalty. This franchise is dog shit, ugh…

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