@Philadelphia 76ers

They were so close to being scary XD

They were so close to being scary XD

by NBAEastMemeWar


  1. Johnga20

    People in here really liked this? The least thing I wanted is another team that can bring Embiid outside the paint. People will bring that he is a so-so defender but we know that teams always double-triple on Embiid, included the praised Horford.

  2. BassGuru82

    No one should be happy about this. Knicks didn’t even have Randle in the playoffs last year. This trade is basically Donte for KAT and it definitely makes the Knicks better.

  3. No_Pomelo2333

    I wouldn’t be making jokes, another direct contender just got better, we should be worried at least a little bit

  4. itsover103

    I think the Knicks got hosed on this…donte, Randal and a protected top 13 1st rounder for KAT? Yeah ok…he’s good but not elite, and he’s been known to come up empty in big games,plus he has extensive injury history

    Donate had proven himself to come up big in the post season and now he’s gone. He was the X factor on that team

  5. Much_Trouble_3144

    I feel like the advantage the Knicks had last season was being tough and physical defensively down the stretch…so this is definitely a move in the wrong direction lol

  6. EffTheAdmin

    I actually like the move for New York. Idk why Minnesota did it though

  7. JDameekoh

    Brunson, Hart, Bridges, OG, KAT is nothing to scoff at lol

  8. This move definitely makes them better, but I think it’s better to look at their entire offseason instead of just this one move. Comparing this new KAT team to what we faced in the playoffs, they’re a lot more top-heavy now and are missing depth in the front court.

    Remember, OG and Brunson obviously played well against us, but that didn’t win them the series. We had trouble with them have a deep bench of long athletic wings that could shoot, play pesky defense, and make hustle plays. Right now, they’re missing that.

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