@New York Knicks

Ben Stiller on Julius

Ben Stiller on Julius

by SwellandDecay


  1. SwellandDecay

    > Julius Randle carried the Knicks on his back when he first came here. Brought winning back. No one will ever know what the winning January ‘24 Knicks would have done in 24/25… He went through ups and downs here and fans were tough on him sometimes. Who can know what it is to endure that pressure. I wouldn’t want it . But he did. Through it all his commitment to the community and the team was and is undeniable. Grateful for his time here. He is an all star and we’re lucky to have had him. Wish him all the best in Minnesota, he is going to bring a lot of toughness and grit and dedication to that team and community. 💙🧡

  2. rmccarthy10

    True words…

    Bless Julius and his beautiful family

  3. Evil_Goomba

    Truth. Ben is a real one, as is Julius.

    Wish him and ragu the best…until we sweep them in the finals.

  4. NYerInTex

    Love the love.

    Without emotion, I believe this trade moves us forward. We got a better player on the court more well suited to JB who is the guy we are built around, complemented by a ton of versatility including arguably the leagues best two 3 and D wings, the grit and mayhem of Hart, Deuces 3 and D, and MRobs stellar
    d when he actually plays.

    That doesn’t undercut how much Randle meant to this team, this franchise, this city. Sucks to see him go and I wish him nothing but the best. All the flowers for his putting a down and out perennial loser of a franchise and reaching heights we’ve not seen in twenty years plus.

    It’s ok to turn the page, it’s ok to be excited about a potentially more talented roster and a real center who can also play PF… and it’s normal and should be expected to be sad to see Randle go when he was not nearly as appreciated during his time here as he should have been.

    Once a Knick…

  5. TheBensonz

    Julius made the most of his time in NY and hopefully he gets one last big deal. I’m just happy NY won’t be the one giving it. He was an incredibly frustrating player to watch. The ball never moved fluidly with him on the floor. He only passed as a last resort — double or triple teamed. Lots of guys in the NBA can put up stats with the volume Julius was afforded night in and night out. The longevity and success of his career will now depend on still putting up numbers w/out the extreme volume of opportunities. He will never again be the No. 1 option on a contending team’s offense.

  6. FreakyFergg

    No one will ever know what that Jan 24 team could have done this year.

    This is why so many redditors of this subreddit, including myself, held that “run it back” philosophy. A healthy version of that team was ring ready AND fun to watch.

    When I’m 90 years old in a rocking chair, this will be the “coulda woulda” sports story I wont shut up about.

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