@Golden State Warriors

Steph on his GOAT teammate during a Q&A segment with COMPLEX’s China outlet: “That’s a dirty question *smirking*…I’ll pick Klay Thompson, that’s my Splash Brother. A lot of great teammates to pick from, I didn’t like that question. *laughs*”

Lol Steph was a good sport for earnestly answering this one and not taking the cop out route.

by taygads


  1. writersontop

    All the Klay stuff is so sad. Don’t think I’ve ever felt so depressed for a player leaving a team lol.

  2. BaldLucPicard

    Still feels weird that Klay won’t be on this team.

  3. tangurama

    I don’t know how or when, but Klay will return as a Warrior one day (I’m hopeful)

  4. RobbyRalston

    Klay can go and get cooked 4 times a year until his statue goes up. He chose to leave. We got YouTube to revisit his highlights if we’re jonesin for what once was but won’t be again.

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