@National Basketball Association

[Holmes] “I almost wish that I never played or worked for them” – Jerry West in regards to the decades long feud with the lakers

In a series of unpublished interviews with ESPN, West described reaching a crossroads in life and in work.

He had been deeply wounded, he said, by events the previous summer and continuing into that fall — ones that fully and finally severed any remaining ties to the Lakers, the franchise he spent 40 years helping to build.

During that tenure, first as a player, then a coach, then an executive, West had helped lift the organization to historic heights before this coldest of wars. In the years since, he had hoped for reconciliation. Then, in 2019, after his family became involved, one of the most famous Lakers in history shared a once-unthinkable sentiment, one that he'd repeat privately and publicly in the years ahead.

"I almost wish," West told ESPN, "that I had never played or worked for them."

by clayfu


  1. The Buss family did West dirty, especially Jeanie, even when he passed away, the official statement was shameful. The Clippers’, Warriors’ and Grizzlies’ did it way better.

    I’ve heard and read stories from Lakers fans meeting with West and he seemed to be a super cool guy, really loved the team and the fans but the ownership was the real problem.

    Even as a Celtics fan I find it sad that 3 people alone ruined one person’s perspective towards a franchise like the Lakers that represents millions.

  2. NeatTry7674

    It really sucks having to deal with Nepo babies

  3. ProsodicRuminator

    The part about how the Lakers stopped giving him season tickets without telling him is so petty; West poured his heart and soul into that team.

  4. spanther96

    Lakers gonna be fucked once Lebron leaves

  5. Successful_Cup_1882

    Lakers fans defending the org are pathetic. This man won you a chip, put together Kobe and shaq, magic Kareem and you shit talk him? Insane you guys should be kissing and cleaning this man’s gravestone daily.

  6. UngaMeSmart

    Hilarious the Lakers went with the fucking Rambi over one of their franchise legends. Ignoring your late father’s wishes (the man you literally owe everything to, Jeannie) is just the icing on the shit cake.

  7. TheRealPdGaming

    Jeanie is a nepo baby that got lucky that lebron came in to the franchise. because before him, the lakers had a worse win percentage from 2014-2019 than the knicks who were constantly made fun of in the media during that time.

  8. Kvsav57

    This should be a reminder that your employer is just your employer. You have no obligation to them because they feel no obligation to you.

  9. TheGrateCommaNate

    Do the Lakers realize how lucky they are? The Nets are out here retiring Vince Carter’s jersey and the Lakers are throwing the freaking Logo in the trash.

  10. RamenIsOkay

    For a big franchise, Lakers make poverty decisions.

  11. Ih8reddit2002

    Jeanie really did a number on him. I’m guessing this all stems from Jerry and Phil having different personalities and opinions on how to run a basketball team.
    Jeanie is clearly team Phil.
    Office politics at its worst

  12. william4534

    Jeanie Buss is a worthless fucking piece of shit

  13. PugilisticCat

    Bro the Lakers are a fucking dumpster fire that are lucky enough to exist in one of the most desirable cities for athletes in America.

  14. GawldDawlg

    Lakers are a pathetic franchise. The location of the franchise is responsible for 90% of its success. They do everything wrong all the time, and constantly get rewarded for it. Sad.

  15. assistanmanager

    lol this thread is being a tad bit dramatic

  16. etlecomtedeblaine

    “I almost wish that I had never played or worked for them”

    That is a really indicative statement, goddamn. Really petty by the Lakers to pull the tickets from him, considering how insanely monumental he was for the team’s success.

  17. LamboJoeRecs

    I love the Lakers being exposed for the scummy, atrociously run, poverty franchise that they are.

  18. Head-Expert6149

    Jerry West is one of the most pivotal figures in the History of the NBA, player, coach, general manager is no slouch and to be successful at every one is astonishing to say the least it’s disrespectful as hell that the way he was treated when it came in those final years in the Lakers organization. I hope he found some peace in the afterlife, after what he endured in his 86 years. (Yap session concluded)

  19. LegendofPowerLine

    Makes sense, the perception of the way the Lakers treat their stars is overrated. Magic was a horrible president, but he even says he felt backstabbed by Pelinka/Lakers. Jerry is probably the most impactful member of the Lakers organization, yet they took his season tickets away, Jeanie didn’t even list him as one of the most influential members of the Lakers org.

    Everyone likes to talk about the Kobe contract but it was just good timing considering the Lakers were in a rebuild phase.

  20. iiivoted4kodos

    Jerry West vs a Prime Phil Jackson? I can see that being a tough decision. Especially in the middle of a dynasty.

    Jerry West vs Kurt and Linda Rambis?? What the fuck are we even doing here???

  21. jakl8811

    If the Lakers weren’t in LA, Lebron never goes there and Jeanie has one of the longest streaks of terrible performance of almost any NBA franchise.

  22. Whyamibeautiful

    I hate to be the one defending the lakers here but west was known to be a very angry person who would say very harsh things during his outburst. He would always apologize after and was a softie at heart but I think us casting judgement on the buss family decision to stop fuckign with Jerry is unfair. We don’t know why they started beefing. Jerry got kicked out right after the shaq 3 peat by dr.buss himself lol. This didn’t start with Jeanie

  23. Czilla760

    Absolutely deplorable. What happened to taking care of your stars? That’s what Jeannie and her media cronies go on about every second they get on the air. I’m tired of the Lakers being run like the Oakland A’s. We are one of the most important and well known franchises in the world in any sport, and yet we don’t have a top of the line building, medical department, scouting, analytics.

  24. majorcoinz

    Kind of a dick move to publish “unpublished” interviews shortly after Jerry dies.

  25. GuiltyVeek

    Only thing I can say is that it’s criminal how they’ve treated Jerry West. JBuss is a nepo baby who got lucky. The Buss family and Rambis suck.

  26. Drewicho

    The way the Lakers have treated Jerry West is disgraceful. Jerry isn’t the best Laker of all time, but seeing he has a hand is getting guys that are debated as the best Laker, I’d argue he’s the most important. All that talk from Jennie about how they treat their stars is just lip service as far as I’m concerned.

  27. JohnnySkidmarx

    Reading this makes me feel ill because of all Jerry accomplished with the Lakers.

  28. jcilomliwfgadtm

    The buss family did Jerry west wrong.

  29. CKO1967

    Jesus H. Christ. That’s practically a human rights violation.

  30. realfakejames

    You have the logo himself Jerry West saying he regrets playing for your franchise, that’s how bad Dr Buss’ kids ruined the prestige of the Lakers being terrible owners

    Jeanie Buss should be thanking God every day that Lebron came to LA and saved that team from being irrelevant for a generation after Kobe retired, she hired Magic who was terrible at his job, she hired Rob Pelinka because Kobe told her to and Rob has been terrible at his job, the main guy responsible for the Lakers not being in poverty is Lebron

  31. Jimbobsausage

    Shoot if I only won 1 ring 💍 after 9 tries I’d be pissed to

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