@Philadelphia 76ers

Are the 76ers already DEAD? 💀

Are the 76ers already DEAD? 💀


  1. Are we sure load management even works? Kawhi does it and still gets injured every year. Same with Embiid

  2. Tbh there bench is a lot better than last year so most of the back to back games they can still win without either George or embiid

  3. Start the season earlier like the NHL did to cut down on the number of back to backs. This along with say back to backs only being at home (so no travel) would be a pretty solid compromise imo compared to cutting down from 82 games.

  4. Can't blame them. The regular season is too long for everyone. Bad for the players as there's a greater injury risk, bad for the fans cos most games lack stakes. Given how much emphasis fans out on who's won a ring and who hasn't, you can't blame the teams for load managing their stars.

  5. If any coach knows how to deal with load management, it's Nick "I was the last coach that kept Kawhi healthy on the way to winning a finals. Oh, and I had to deal with 70yr old Mark Gasol too" Nurse.
    Keep in mind, both these dudes might very likely be on their last contract. Sixers have at best a 3 year window with those two before it's probably over for both of them.

  6. 15 back to backs?
    That is insane.

    The NBA season runs from 22nd October 2024 to 13th April 2025 – that’s 174 days inclusive.

    With an 82 game schedule that allows a game every other night with 10 extra days to spare.

    Even after allowing for a 5 day break for All-Star Weekend AND a 5 day break for the in-season tournament final (not included in the 82 games) there is still enough days to never have to play back to backs.

    With 15 back to backs, that is 30 games in 30 days plus 52 games in 144 that is essentially allowing 2.75 days between games (so 3 of every 4 has a 2-game break between game days).

    All of this suggests the NBA really needs to rework the season structure.

    Given the conferences are uneven as is anyway the league could greatly benefit from a rework anyway.

    I would propose splitting the season into 3 components – Round Robin, Seeding, and Playoffs.

    Round Robin – each team plays every other team once at home and once again away.

    [Round Robin Finals Game (replaces in-season tournament) – played between the best two teams from the Round Robin, based on a points system, rather than simple Win/Loss – something similar to recent Olympics – Wins plus point differential]

    [All-Star Break] – condensed into 2 nights both of these events allow some extra time for the schedule for the Seeding part of the season to be finalised.

    Seeding – based on the results of the Round Robins teams are split into pools of teams, each team would play one game against each team from other pools, pool determines if a home or away. With 32 teams this could be 8 pools of 4 teams – pool one with teams 1, 9, 17, 25 – pool 2 with teams 2, 10, 18, 26 etc.

    [Play-in] – applicable only where there is one or more teams with a .500+ record outside the top 16. These teams play one game to determine who will play-in, the bottom 2 teams of the top 16 play each other, loser plays the team hoping to play-in – if only 1 team has a .500+ record and is outside of top 16, the worst team in the top 16 plays them without playing the next worst top 16 team.

    [Regular season awards evening]

    Playoffs – top 16 teams from overall record standings make it through to the playoffs – either play 1v16 or teams divided East/West (to appease tv rights deals) and then seeded 1v8.

    With 32 teams.

    Round Robin – 62 games
    [RR Finals] – <1 game
    Seeding – 16 games
    [Play-In] – <2 games
    Playoffs – <28 games (best of 7, 4 series)

    Regular season reduces to 78 official games, back to backs in theory could be eliminated but if not at worst limited to 2 per team through Round Robin and 1 per team through Seeding games, all must occur on either Home and Home or with travel less than a set time/distance – ie home/away and away at Lakers and Clippers or Knicks and Nets – but also those teams cannot get multiple benefiting scenarios.

    Through regular season teams would play either 2 or 3 games vs every other team – much fairer than current system where it could be between 2 and 4 games. As is with uneven divisions and conferences this should improve overall season.

    With 174 or more (consider shrinking Pre-Season) days, should be ample room to accomplish, with decent scheduling – especially with most courts primarily used for NBA.

    Also consider eliminating in-season non-NBA arena games (eg London, Paris, Mexico City) – use pre-season for these instead.

    15 back to backs is pure ridiculous.

  7. This roster seems like a layup but it’s really a long shot💀 chip or bust we’ll see

  8. Load managment doesn't work seeing as injuries keep increasing. Second please the players wont give back a dime

  9. I mean if your NOT confident that your players wouldnt be healthy ig but ot only takes 1 game, 1 play, for your season to be over

  10. The load management is pathetic. How can we take the sixers seriously when theyre not even gonna try to play their games. The raptors basically openly admitted to tanking as well. These used to be frowned upon now nobody cares. If the sixers can't make a team that can stay healthy for 65 games then maybe they shouldnt be trying to compete. Players that aren't on the court are getting paid for potential and what ifs and all it does is hurt the franchise. GMs need to learn to start not paying people if they're gonna be injured all the time or start making it so theres less guaranteed money and then well start to see how many games theyll play. Or the fans need to start realizing that too. You notice how heslthy teams are always scrutinized because other teams aren't healthy, and then the other team that arent healthy always gets a free pass? We need to stop seeing most injuries as "part of the game" because honestly a lot of the time theyre not and probably avoidable. Especially offball injuries. All the nba players known for taking care of their bodies are less injured. You shouldn't be able to make a team where you gamble your players health to win a chip and then also sit them out so your gamble odds increase. If youre gonna sign a player with health concerns you should have to lay in your bed, play him as many games as healthy, and hope he doesn't get injured. If you do try to increase your odds through load managing, you need to seriously get fined.

  11. The roster outside of Embiid and George is way better than last year, making the playoffs isn’t a question for this team.

  12. I don't get the comparison to last year, as only 4 players of last are in the current roster. We be fine.

  13. It’s not a terrible idea honestly the only negative I see from it is the possibility of losing more games than the team should and the fans not getting the show they paid for by missing out on watching the talent

  14. Idk if embiid will ever win a ring, he’s a great player but super injury prone and always chokes in the playoffs

  15. I hope they do decrease games as that was the last topic on my video, and people slammed me for even suggesting it 😂

  16. This behavior will ultimately be the downfall of the NBA (if it’s not corrected).

    Fantasy sports play a bigger role in the NFL’s popularity than anyone wants to admit.

    On mass, no one wants to play fantasy basketball bc the players take so many games off.

    When players only play 75% of the games (by choice), they will lose more and more viewers. And the arrogance mentality of…

    ‘We are the NBA, we’ll be fine.’

    Will ultimately be their demise… because pride always comes right before the fall.

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