@Portland Trail Blazers

Spotted at Costco

Spotted at Costco

by badnewsjukebox


  1. AceMcStace

    This is actually a really good deal, you avoid the ridiculous Tickemaster fees and get 20 bucks towards concessions. Man we are going to be terrible this year lol.

  2. BlazersMania

    By the end of the season they’ll be giving these away


    Which Costco was this at? That’s a hell of a deal


    For anyone curious, a few other teams are doing this too. The kings off the same deal at their neighboring costcos.

  5. ScoDucks316

    Not a bad deal, but lol at “lower level”

  6. DanDan85

    It is a bit concerning how far ownership is willing to go to create revenue. The new TV deal wasn’t surprising as Root was absolute hot garbage but giving away free antenna’s, and now costco is selling discounted lower level tickets?! I’m not saying the team is in jeopardy of being moved or anything but as a 30+ year fan I have never seen these levels of desperation from ownership and I watched throughout all the Telfair+Outlaw years!

  7. SeeDub23

    Sorry I cant read the fine print- how does this work? Is it only good for certain games?

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