@Golden State Warriors

MELTON on Stackhouse defense: “physical early”, “disruptive”; PODZIEMSKI: principles more than plays

MELTON on Stackhouse defense: “physical early”, “disruptive”; PODZIEMSKI: principles more than plays

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00:00 Brandin, just how do you feel as you wrap up the regular season or sorry, the preseason heading into the regular season, both individually and just where you guys are at as a team?
00:11 BRANDIN PODZIEMSKI: I think we feel good. Obviously, we’ve been scoring the ball pretty well throughout the six games, really just focusing on transition offense defense. But I think what separated us from this year to last is just we’re playing through principles instead of plays. And I think we just try to get to our five spots and create the most space, whether it’s in transition or in the half court, and we don’t have to call many plays besides ATOs. So I think we’re playing through principles more than plays, and I think it’s helped us.
00:43 When did you notice that, that you’re playing more through principles than plays?
00:46 Just, I would say not even the amount of plays being called, but just the emphasis and practice of getting to those five spots and understanding what we have out of those five spots. And us just kind of playing within ourselves and what we run and who’s out there. We don’t have to stop and call none. We could just — everybody can get to the five spots, the bigs don’t have to be up top. They can be in the corners and we have different things out of that. So, it’s been fun just to be anywhere on the floor and you can make impact.
01:18 First time this time around with the broken nose under the mask. How did it feel? Was there any adjustment period played great?
01:24 So it’s terrible. I hate it. There was a play, inbounded the ball, came off the screen by our bench in the first quarter and I looked up to shoot and all, saw it with the mask. So I ain’t shoot it. But something I gotta deal with for however long I wear it. So, just gonna keep working every day with it on and try to play my best. But I feel like defensively, I can get my nose into more plays now. I think it works both ways for me.
01:53 Did you need it on that play where you got pushed into the announcing table?
01:57 Yeah, I did hit a part of it, but I hit the top part of where my forehead is. And so it helped me there. And a couple of times I got — I felt it get hit in my nose. So good thing I had it on.
02:07 Can you put it up on offense and down on defense?
02:10 Maybe.
02:13 Hi, Brandin. So, you’re always so competitive, so positive. So how do you keep that, like, attitude?
02:21 Just never being complacent. There’s a lot of things in the game of basketball that I want to accomplish, both from an individual standpoint and a team standpoint. So, just knowing that I’m not the most physically gifted person out there, what can I bring to the table? That’s a different — I think I had two or three charges tonight. Just all the competitive plays that a team needs to win. I want to be a part of that. And like I said, I have bigger goals for myself and this is just one step to get into those.
02:48 How’s the chemistry forming on and off the floor?
02:51 Yeah, it’s amazing. We don’t really care, this year who scores, who doesn’t score. You look at everybody down the roster, everybody scored tonight. So whoever we played, that’s who scored. And, like I said, the playing through the principles part has been big because you could be at any spot any time and it’s just, Coach has laid out…
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FROM OCT 18, 2024, postgame after Golden State Warriors vs LA Lakers, held at Chase Center in San Francisco, CA.



  1. 00:00 Brandin, just how do you feel as you wrap up the regular season or sorry, the preseason heading into the regular season, both individually and just where you guys are at as a team?
    00:11 BRANDIN PODZIEMSKI: I think we feel good. Obviously, we've been scoring the ball pretty well throughout the six games, really just focusing on transition offense defense. But I think what separated us from this year to last is just we're playing through principles instead of plays. And I think we just try to get to our five spots and create the most space, whether it's in transition or in the half court, and we don't have to call many plays besides ATOs. So I think we're playing through principles more than plays, and I think it's helped us.
    00:43 When did you notice that, that you're playing more through principles than plays?
    00:46 Just, I would say not even the amount of plays being called, but just the emphasis and practice of getting to those five spots and understanding what we have out of those five spots. And us just kind of playing within ourselves and what we run and who's out there. We don't have to stop and call none. We could just — everybody can get to the five spots, the bigs don't have to be up top. They can be in the corners and we have different things out of that. So, it's been fun just to be anywhere on the floor and you can make impact.
    01:18 First time this time around with the broken nose under the mask. How did it feel? Was there any adjustment period played great?
    01:24 So it's terrible. I hate it. There was a play, inbounded the ball, came off the screen by our bench in the first quarter and I looked up to shoot and all, saw it with the mask. So I ain't shoot it. But something I gotta deal with for however long I wear it. So, just gonna keep working every day with it on and try to play my best. But I feel like defensively, I can get my nose into more plays now. I think it works both ways for me.
    01:53 Did you need it on that play where you got pushed into the announcing table?
    01:57 Yeah, I did hit a part of it, but I hit the top part of where my forehead is. And so it helped me there. And a couple of times I got — I felt it get hit in my nose. So good thing I had it on.
    02:07 Can you put it up on offense and down on defense?
    02:10 Maybe.
    02:13 Hi, Brandin. So, you're always so competitive, so positive. So how do you keep that, like, attitude?
    02:21 Just never being complacent. There's a lot of things in the game of basketball that I want to accomplish, both from an individual standpoint and a team standpoint. So, just knowing that I'm not the most physically gifted person out there, what can I bring to the table? That's a different — I think I had two or three charges tonight. Just all the competitive plays that a team needs to win. I want to be a part of that. And like I said, I have bigger goals for myself and this is just one step to get into those.
    02:48 How's the chemistry forming on and off the floor?
    02:51 Yeah, it's amazing. We don't really care, this year who scores, who doesn't score. You look at everybody down the roster, everybody scored tonight. So whoever we played, that's who scored. And, like I said, the playing through the principles part has been big because you could be at any spot any time and it's just, Coach has laid out and gave us kind of like a playbook of different things we can do with different personnel where and I think we're just playing off that. And when you play hard and you play the right way, the ball is going to find energy
    03:24 Hi Brandin, you are not the one of the vets, but you could be the last season. You could share time with Klay. Just curious about how strange has been the last few weeks going to the locker room and not finding him in there. So how strange was that situation?
    03:40 It was definitely strange, coming in during summer and not seeing his name played up there, but the past is the past. Klay is a great player, a great person that we're going to be — we're going to miss him this year, but we can't dwell on it. We got a new squad, 6-and-0 now, so it's time to reset everything. And going into Wednesday at Portland, how can we just keep it flowing and getting stops. I think Jerry (Stackhouse) has brought a different dynamic on the defensive end, which has been really great for us. It's something that the vets haven't even seen that we're doing coverage-wise and rotation-wise. So that's been a little bit of adjustment for everybody. But I think in the long haul it's going to work and it's worked through the preseason.
    04:24 Does going undefeated in the preseason mean anything?
    04:27 Hell yeah. You know? As a competitor, you want to win everything no matter if it counts or it doesn't. You want to play your best, show the coaching staff what you can do from year to year. But it definitely means something. I think we went 4-and-1 last year. So being 6-and-0 this year, it means a lot, but it's a reset now. And I think just going into Game 1, how can we do everything possible to win that game and then the Utah and then back here?
    04:53 DE’ANTHONY MELTON: Six preseason games later, man, we made it. Solid, amazing. Ready to get to the first game of the season.
    05:02 De'Anthony, over here. What did you think about the lineup you started with, those four guys? Obviously he, Steve, started those four with Steph the other night. It's kind of a unique combo with Wiggins at the 2, basically. What do you think about that lineup with you, with those four guys?
    05:18 I felt like the lineup did good. It's a lot of long athletic guys out there. So we really just try to push the pace and get it up and down. I think playing out the post, for a lot of guys and early on we was cutting, moving, caused a lot of disruption for the defense. So a lot of them like that allows a lot of different variables. And I feel like we attacked from a lot of different angles, which helped.
    05:40 And what about that group defensively? Obviously, Draymond and Trayce had a big impact defensively last year here. How good can that lineup be defensively? And how much does it need JK to kind of take a step forward defensively?
    05:54 I think JK, honestly watching him slide his feet today out there, it was good to see because he has capability of doing it. He's strong, he's quick and he's athletic, where all those type things is what you need to go on defense. Now, it's just about effort and wanting to do it. And I think he's taking more of a role into wanting to play defense, wanting to get stops. So I think that's what we need. And that lineup does — does his job and get out in transition. Getting stops is the most important thing.
    06:23 Podz mentioned some of the new defensive tactics, rotations, coverages that Jerry has brought. Could you explain some of that? What should people be looking for in terms of what he has brought to the team?
    06:37 I mean, I don't really want to give out our scheme like that, but I mean, just making it crowded for us, making it crowded for other teams, just being disruptive. And I think if you be physical early and you use your hands and use your feet, a lot of stuff is gonna go your way and forcing people into tough decisions. That's what we want to do. And I feel like that's we've been doing this last six preseason games.
    07:03 How do you feel the chemistry between you and Trayce in the pick and roll has been developing?
    07:08 Man, a young dude that can get out, jump up there. It's always nice. So, just be able to get downhill and throw the ball up, as soon as I see my dude step up, it's been lovely, honestly, because he has great hands and he has great feels, when to jump, when not to, when to just be in the right spot. So he's going to still work and we got a long season to prepare for it too.
    07:31 Brandin talked about playing through the principles offensively, right? Just a lot of offensive principles, spacing and whatnot. How have you seen those come together throughout the course of the preseason?
    07:40 Man, I mean, just the offensive provides so much different attack points. And I think we have so many guys that can attack at so many different angles that it's amazing to see. I mean, even Draymond didn't take a shot, but early on he was probably one of the most impactful because he had five assists and he was moving the ball around for us. So, stuff like that is just — it's amazing to see. And we got really 13 to 15 dudes that could really play and really can get out there. And I think the spacing and offense plays to those strengths.

  2. What if he keeps the mask on even when his nose heals? Suits his personality to armor up!

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