@Miami Heat

Erik Spoelstra on the bigs shooting from three: “They’ve been working at it.” On Bam specifically: “He’s really been working on his three point shot.”

Erik Spoelstra on the bigs shooting from three: “They’ve been working at it.” On Bam specifically: “He’s really been working on his three point shot.”

by IAmBatman412


  1. Dr_Throwaway_Jr

    I swear if I see a negative comment talking about “BuT hEs OnLy TeAsInG.” Y’all can fuck off. Just enjoy the season fuckwits especially the ones that say this shit then complain about people complaining

  2. Simple-Ad-7866

    BuT bAm Is OvErRaTeD OfFeNsIvElY. Do people really believe this dude is Simmons or something?

  3. BossKingGodd

    Wonder if we’ll see him space the floor in spot up opportunities. Heard they were all pull ups.

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