@National Basketball Association

[Post Game Thread] The Sacramento Kings take down the Los Angeles Lakers 105-75

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by WeathrNinja


  1. TheRed_Knight

    Lakers now have a bench that can play halfway decent defense, but they just cant fucking score, lmao, traded one problem for another

  2. LordFarhaams

    This is THE LAKESHOW baby, we don’t care ‘bout no pre season drama cuz we gon’ grind for the regular season and playoffs W 🔥🔥😂😂🚬

  3. It all went downhill after Russ rocked the baby

  4. WasProbablyBanned

    wtf, I turned this off when the lakers were up 10? Did the bench fucking blow it or something?

  5. transizzle

    Kings looked really bad in the first half. The score isn’t representative of the game at all, at least the game that mattered since no starters played in the second half.

    But man, the bench for the Lakers is no good. I know I’m not saying anything surprising here, but wow.

  6. treyfiddy

    lebron is WASHED. preseason matters don’t @ me

  7. BigBallerBryant

    Overall positive feelings about tonight’s game

    – Nunn is a real actual human NBA player confirmed

    – WB looked more comfortable tonight than at any point last season

    – AD looked sharp and assertive. Little turn-around felt like bubble AD

    – Their starting unit looked locked-in defensively in the 1st qt


    – Pippen Jr. looks determined to make an impact whenever he’s on the court (gonna act like I didn’t see that 3 slam the backboard as I’m typing)

    – Swider still hitting his jumpers just like Summer League

    They gotta cut the TOs and hit their Fts. Bigs gotta be more intentional about setting screens for shooters. Lots of shots at the end of the clock, you’re not gonna get a lot of good looks there. There was also a lot of standing around in offense in the 2nd half. Hopefully JTA and Bryant show up next time and Schroeder’s eventual return equals more offense off the bench.

    Not too worried about the result or LeBron’s statline, looking forward to the next one!

  8. jusbolo2

    Wait, Damian Jones is really their starter? I’m just happy he’s still collecting an NBA paycheck.

  9. Happy_Nom_Nom

    Kings are making the playoffs this year!

  10. thatcuntcat

    AD is like a magnet in the rebounds.

    Btw Fox has to have the fastest first step in the league. So damn quick

  11. Toxik916

    Keegan Murray ROTY! So damn impressed with the entire squad! The Kings will have to cut legitimate NBA talent. I can’t remember the last time we’ve had this problem in training camp.

  12. Kings played all 20 guys at least 6 minutes, everyone scored but Delly

    Love the defensive intensity and movement, our bench and 3rd string was smokin em

  13. girlscoutcookies05

    I still dont understand why the Lakers kept adding guards

  14. HydroThermia

    Now that was a game if I’ve ever seen one.

  15. ieffinglovesoup

    End the season now, I’ve seen all I need to see. Start the playoffs

  16. WonderingCashew

    Want to congratulate the Kings for now being the 10th best team in the West overtaking the Lakers

  17. It-sOkBro

    This Lakers team is 7 deep (LeBron, Russ, AD, Nunn, Pat Bev, Reaves, Schroder)

  18. MediumLong2

    The Sacramento Kings played twenty (20) different players in this pre-season game.

  19. Neuroxex

    Fuel for the Kings hype train:

    * Played 20 players at least 6 minutes, somehow had only 7 turnovers (Mike Brown coach good)

    * Sabonis looked genuinely good on defense even against LeBron and AD, think there’s a chance some of the defensive worries might be overstated. Fox also looked good defensively in spurts.

    * Keegan Murray shoots the ball so so good from anywhere anytime

    * Love Chima Moneke, and the bench as a whole has a lot of really good defenders

    Good Lakers things I think:

    * Think they might have really integrated Westbrook much better

    * AD looked aggressive

    * Played well as a starting unit even while LeBron struggled

    * The starters looked like they enjoyed playing basketball again, and Nunn will be useful

  20. Meekie_e

    The bench will be a problem for the Lakers.

  21. chandlerossjoey

    I’m just so happy I got to hear Billy and Stu again. First half was fun even though the offense sucked. Second half was all Kings. Feels like any ex-Laker shoots well when not wearing the Purple & Gold (Banana Yellow) lmao

  22. TheRandomMaster850

    I knew after the “Rock the baby” it was over.

  23. CoCoMiX_666

    This Lakers bench is what happens when you ask DALL-E AI to create a Laker team. These dudes are generic AF.

  24. LaudrenFareoh

    The Kings honestly have some decent depth, and Mike Brown’s defense is looking good. That was where the game was won, once all the starters sat, and the end of the bench guys on the Lakers couldn’t do anything.

  25. pestosbetter

    I legitimately emoted in real life.. 😳

  26. I_Hate_Klutch_Sports

    The more things change, the more they stay the same

  27. OhNoItsTheLakeShow

    I really want Swider to break into the rotation but damn those lineups sucked lol

  28. If there’s anything Mike Brown will do is it’s that he will improve the defense. Can he make this Kings team into an average or slightly below average defense? That would be amazing considering how long they’ve been bad on that side of the ball.

  29. hejendo76

    i think legit everyone on the Kings roster played. What’s that like 20 people?

    Delly was the only one that didn’t score a point. He did lead the team in assists tho in only 9 mins

    Trey Lyles played 16 mins and also had 0 FG’s

  30. FunnyBunnyRabbit8

    Just preseason lol.

    Russ looks better integrated in the team though

  31. WadeCountyClutch

    Mike brown doesn’t get enough love as a coach. Hope he helps the kings finally get over that hump. The Phillies and mariners and hell to some degree my padres ended the drought! I’m sure the kings can too

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