@Toronto Raptors

Some Raptors Propaganda

Some Raptors Propaganda

by everything_raptors


  1. flyinghippos101

    Zach is literally the only ESPN guy that tries their hardest to watch all the teams, and it definitely shows.

    It also helps how Zach is just so damn friendly and the attitude of his show is just so much more upbeat and has more levity than the bitch-fests on ESPN and The Ringer

  2. VanVleet-goes-for-22

    Another great point Zach made on a separate podcast was that Toronto is one of the few teams that still has a “big play” to make. We have all our picks and we have moveable mid-sized contracts in Birch, Thad, Otto and Boucher. One of OG/GTJ and one of those other guys gets you to 26-28 mill and can let you trade for a $30M+ guy. Add in the picks and we can get a real star talent. We also have the flexibility to get a smaller but meaningful piece without throwing the kitchen sink. Atlanta made their big move, Philly made theirs, Brooklyn too. Boston, Milwaukee, Cleveland all made their play and we’re the only team that’s still competing in the east with assets to get better

  3. No_Brilliant5888

    Both guys from the Dunc’ on podcast went under on the raptors… I no longer listen to this podcast.

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