@Golden State Warriors

The Real Reason Why The Warriors Let McClung Go – Signed Ty Jerome & Anthony Lamb

We always knew the roster would get trimmed prior to the start of the regular season, however what we didn’t know was who the Warriors would keep as well as who they would sign to a guaranteed contract. In this video I explore the reasoning behind the Warriors passing on Mac McClung and instead opting for Ty Jerome. Steve Kerr’s input as well is discussed.


  1. I think Kerr's comments said it all. With Rollins looking as good as he has, they may not even hang on to Jerome past training camp. Jerome's shooting may not matter if they are looking for a pass-first guard.

  2. Jerome’s a good fit for that bench unit and plus he’s like 6’5 6’6 he could be a good piece

  3. Im still missin the clean Unique
    SWISH CULTURE Intro that Island shot
    NOW the OUTRA,
    My Man Swish on His way to semi retirement,
    Still Genius work when want to,esp that
    L.James n Gorilla suit, classic,SWISH,

  4. They let him go for same reason 29 other teams let him go. He can play, but he likes to shoot a lot, and he’s small and can’t play great D. This makes him a 10th man at best on most teams. And on warriors not what they need.

  5. I dont agree with your assessment. BTW I wasnt a Matt MClung fan when I say these things. I hear fans say McClung is too small, The fact he can dunk without an issue negates his size. Matt Brings the energy Warrior need. He brought us back in every game he played. If he doesnt have enough assist on the Warriors it because the other player dont close out the play. The real reason they got rid of Matt was because he buried Rollins in the rotation. He had no chance to make the Warriors NBA roster if Matt was in front of him. I am rooting for Rollins, Warriors just want to give him a easier shot of him making the roster

  6. Personally I don't like the decision tho, 1. Ws already have Rollins and Q for 3rd PG/SG role 2. LA has the G league right for Mac so taking a big guard with better shooting who also can initiate 2nd unit offence (Ty) over a small but explosive guard (Mac) is understandable..

  7. Tye Jerome wasnt even the best player on his team that went to the College championship game I dent know how he even made it to the first rd of the draft. For me he lack the energy to make a difference on the floor. He does have a nice NBA three point shot, he doesn't seem that athletic to make this roster. Despite all This I wish him the best, and I hope he proves me wrong.

  8. 35% for a guard on a garbage tram like OKC, isn’t bad. It’ll likely spike up to 38%

  9. The Warriors hate having redundancies when diversity is available. I loved watching Mac play. He deserves to be on an NBA team, but if not, I’d love to see him in SC.

  10. Everything you show is Mac with good defense.
    Even when oversized he plays solid D.

  11. Mac is 6 2 guard who wants to play like a wing. He would have been a solid wing if he is 6 4 or above. Those 2 to 3 inches are huge for him!

  12. I really hope they keep A.I. in some capacity, being the former '15 Finals M.V.P. has to count for something at least when it comes to helping these next new stars(Poole, Kaminga, Wiseman, Looney, Donte)get to the next level(by winning Finals every year). Curry is totally underrated as a defender, I've watched his game since he came into the league, and I recall countless times where Steph picked up the slack because either Draymond or Klay was out(which meant Curry had to either rebound more, pass off to get team more offense, or even stay in the passing lanes for easy steals)just so that his team would either get the W or ultimately another Finals!!!

  13. Poor kid can't get a break, I've watched Detroit they could definitely use him.

  14. Look, the Warriors should've given Mac a 3 year deal on the minimum instead of releasing him. Mac is one of the most athletic guards in the league. His speed and acceleration is top tier, his first step is other worldly, his lateral quickness gives him a huge advantage on defense and allows him to stay in front of his defenders better than most guards I've seen, his vertical is pretty insane, he's very tenacious, a more than willing defender. Sure his offensive game needs some polishing. Sure he's not a great passer, but that area has certainly improved. The Warriors are great at making players better, and I've thought since Mac got in the league that his most perfect fit was with the Warriors. There's no other organization that needs a player like him more than right now. I think by the end of the year he would completely replace GPII while being able to provide more offensively

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