@National Basketball Association

[Helin] Doc Rivers on expectations for Harden: “I think we’ve talked so much about him being a facilitator… I need him to be James Harden too. If I had to combine, I would say a scoring Magic Johnson, I don’t know, but that’s what I want him to be.”

> James Harden in Philadelphia will not be chasing scoring titles and dominating the game in quite the same way. Instead, he’s been asked to be more of a facilitator — but not too much of one. Doc Rivers told the team at ESPN’s NBA Today he wants scoring to go with the facilitating. Just like one of the all-time greats.

> “I think we’ve talked so much about him being a facilitator… I need him to be James Harden too. If I had to combine, I would say a scoring Magic Johnson, I don’t know, but that’s what I want him to be. I want him to be a James Harden, but in that, I want him to also be the facilitator of this basketball team too. So in a lot of ways, his role is growing bigger for our team, and I just want him to keep thinking, ‘Do both.’”

> Just play like Magic, no pressure there. For his career, Magic averaged 19.5 points a game (with four over 20 PPG) with 11.2 assists.

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by iksnet


  1. thatsinsaneletstryit

    sounds like lebron james, it sure would be nice if harden could be lebron james this year

  2. WorkofShart

    If we could start slow and fire doc I would be so happy

  3. kush-dynasty

    after a 2nd round game 7 loss.

    reporter: doc do you think this team can win a championship with harden?

    doc: idk how to answer that. i would say though if we had a scoring magic johnson, we could compete

  4. ItsN0tTheB0at

    “is it too much to ask of Harden to be LeBron James? Maybe, but that’s what I need him to be”

  5. black_squid98

    I miss when Harden shot like 13 step backs a game

  6. Adventurous-Bee-5934

    “Just be magic but with more scoring, bro”

  7. So doc wants him to be a better version of a top 10 player of all time. Gotcha

  8. Expulsure

    He has no interest in being the scorer he used to be

  9. BabaBrody

    “I need him to be Ben Simmons with a jump shot.”

  10. Kitdee75

    To this day I can’t figure out why Philly thought that after completely failing in LA, that he would somehow do better. He’s got to be up there as one of the most overrated coaches in history.

  11. Resident_Frame

    If CP3 can have a resurgence, I know Harden can. He’s been an Ironman his whole career.

  12. Magazine_Mediocre

    Does Doc even know wtf he’s saying anymore?

  13. ChoiceStar1

    And I expect Fox to be fast Michael Jordan and Sabonis to be passing Shaq!

  14. Doc Rivers is like an Asian parent. Kid is born, there are expectations to be a doctor. Kid shows some athletic ability, there are expectations to be a doctor. Kid tells their parents they want to be an actor or artist, there are expectations to be a doctor.

  15. whoissteveo

    Ah yes, the archetype of “Magic Johnson but a better scorer,” almost as common as 3 & D guys. We keep telling Mobley to just be Bill Russell but score 20 a game.

  16. nonufwiendz

    “Bro just be a top 10 player of all time BUT BETTER”

  17. wolfy14xc

    His name is James, don’t ask whether it’s his first or last name, James. We all know James

  18. CaptchaCrunch

    Harden doesn’t have the explosiveness any more, and he’s hiding it by saying he wants to be a facilitator

  19. GringoMambi

    Doc already submitting his resume to get fired lmao

  20. The James Harden of old is no more. He can’t do it anymore.

  21. I think Magic’s problem may have been that he was scoring too much

  22. whiskeyinthejaar

    Oh I can’t wait for Doc to throw someone under the buss by January for not meeting the unrealistic expectations

  23. BeefySwan

    yeah if you could just have MJ’s scoring and Magic’s facilitating, maybe throw in Hakeem’s defending and Steph’s shooting, that’d be greeeeeeeat

  24. NewBuddha32

    He wants him to be a better version of a player that is light-years above harden lol. This man was lucky to win one chip. He best go kiss kg’s ring

  25. Is Doc starting to be annoying or am I just being cruel? He seems to never have a real plan.

  26. Goatsanity15

    Joel Embiid being Wilt Chamberlain with the leadership of Bill Russell and the shooting of Steph would be nice as well. Maybe even add in a bit of Steve Nash passing that would be nice as well

  27. hossbonaventure15

    “I think if he can be a better version of top 6 player ever, we’ll be in good shape.”

  28. Sanmenov

    I want James Harden to be LeBron with a better hairline.

  29. YoungMcShula

    James Harden is completely capable of that too

  30. califournya

    Harden should 100% be the first option. Harden putting up 20 shots means that Embiids shots are going to be 2x easier.

    You’re misusing Harden if you use him how Nets and Sixers have used him. He was such a good playmaker in Houston because he was scoring like a madman and was able to get easy ass assists. He just needs to spam the PnR and you’ll get insane value.

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