@National Basketball Association

Dwight: I remember going to Kobe’s house one time and he’s like “you seen Pitch Perfect? I was just watching it last night, it’s one of my favorite movies”…I look back at all the pictures I got of just me and him together so when people say Kobe don’t fuck with you like that, I just laugh

Dwight: I remember going to Kobe’s house one time and he’s like “you seen Pitch Perfect? I was just watching it last night, it’s one of my favorite movies”…I look back at all the pictures I got of just me and him together so when people say Kobe don’t fuck with you like that, I just laugh

by NarrativeEnergy


  1. nicklovin508

    Kobe hired a singing coach after watching pitch perfect. He would wake up at 3:30 A.M working on his free throws and high octave

  2. thatcuntcat

    Considering how much Dirk regrets end of his career, I dont want Dwight to be back. If he has his kids’ situation handled properly he should be set for life. Just go build that zoo or something in your backyard big man.

  3. Hamsterupyourass

    That’s actually so cute haha 😆 I love that Kobe was a pitch perfect fan, goes well with his ethos as a human

  4. throwawayjoeyboots

    Jordan: I remember going to Draymond’s house one time and he’s like “you seen Fight Club? I was just watching it last night, it’s one of my favorite movies”…I look back at all the pictures I got of just me and him together so when people say Dray don’t fuck with you like that, I just laugh

  5. Kobe didn’t hate dwight. He just didn’t want to play with him.

  6. jojimbo_

    Just googled that movie. It looks *unbelievably* dumb.

    It’s a high school musical with teenagers singing in battle lines with their chests puffed out…

  7. Eddaughter

    One of the most hard-nosed player in history and he loves Pitch Perfect 😂. The duality is hilarious but kind of endearing

  8. 100_kg_90_de_belin

    Rodman: I remember going to MJ’ house one time and he’s like “you seen Double Team? I was just watching it last night, it’s one of my favorite movies”…I look back at all the pictures I got of just me and him together so when people say Jordan don’t fuck with you like that, I just laugh

  9. vHezoTheGoat

    Pitch Perfect is fucking amazing

    One of the few movies that came out in the 2010s that I can say is a certain classic

    Watch it if you have not

  10. Blade3rd

    Bunch of grown ass men about to watch Pitch Perfect later today.

  11. VermontPizza

    what a pleasant and chipper clip – if you are stoned be prepared to smile and giggle 2min straight watching this jawn

  12. 1_quantae

    People see a few memes & think Kobe hated the guy
    when in reality he just didn’t want to play with him.

    Not wanting to play with someone doesn’t mean you don’t like them.

  13. gaga_booboo

    Stories like this always have an affect on me. Kobe and I are the same age. I have two daughters who are roughly the same age as Natalia and how old Gigi would have been. My wife and I even after a big gap had another baby who turned out a girl. I’m a girl dad. Same as Kobe was. And I remember watching Pitch Perfect, a number of times, with my girls and my wife on one of our movie nights. I imagine Kobe doing the same. And I imagine what it would have been like in that moment and all other moments.

    Don’t take it for granted everyone. Life is short. Love every minute of it.

  14. Oshebekdujeksk

    LMAO. Of course Kobe has trash taste in movies.

  15. Rripurnia

    In her eulogy at the Staples memorial, Vanessa said that Kobe loved watching rom-coms, among other things.

    I can totally see him liking Pitch Perfect!

  16. rbrutonIII

    Kobe seems to be night and day different between his competitive mode and non-competitive mode.

    One of my favorite stories about him is from Chandler Parsons. He’s a rookie, and playing in la for the first time. He’s sweating balls about guarding Kobe, and Bean walks up and asks him if hes going out after the game, and upon hearing yes says okay I got you. Parsons then gets a message from Kobe’s guy saying you’re all set up at the supper club, which was THE place at the time. Parsons invites everyone he can, has a great time, and then the bill comes to him and he shitting bricks cuz it’s 25k huge. Then he just gets told please sign for Mr Bryant.

    Kobe didn’t come, but he knew that it was this guy’s first time in LA as an NBA player, and even though he wanted to kill him on the basketball court he took the time and spent the money to give this kid an epic experience.

    How fuckin cool is that?

  17. FrenzyTotems

    People forget Dwight was coming off a back surgery… that takes a good yr or 2 to recover from. He also injured his shoulder too during his laker stint. He lost a lot of he’s athleticism since then.

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