@Golden State Warriors

[95.7] Draymond Green said this won’t effect the Warriors winning: “We’re professionals. We have a job to do and we’re winners. And winners win… That’s from a winning standpoint. From a human being standpoint, from a personal standpoint, I have some things to fix.”

[95.7] Draymond Green said this won’t effect the Warriors winning: “We’re professionals. We have a job to do and we’re winners. And winners win… That’s from a winning standpoint. From a human being standpoint, from a personal standpoint, I have some things to fix.”

by NokCha_


  1. StopBanningMePlz412

    draymond had a mental breakdown when celtic fans booed him, imagine how he’s gonna react when he’s getting booed by warrior fans……

    also his press conference was not sincere whatsoever and felt more like a defense of himself than a true apology to jordan, fuck him still

  2. Murdathon3000

    I’ve defended Draymond through every dumb fucking thing he’s done over the years, but I’m done. Fuck this guy, don’t be trying to fuck with our future to placate your fragile ego.

  3. unknownintime

    Heard it before Draymond.

    You’re the boy who cried “wolf!” now.

  4. Dudeman-Jack

    Good basketball player, shit human being…same can probably be said for a lot of pro athletes

  5. Mu17inItOver

    >We’re professionals

    Professionals don’t punch coworkers Dray. I hope he takes this as a wakeup call and actually does the work on himself.

  6. kokokrandz

    He can’t even apologize without looking strong and with bravado.

  7. Inevitable_Copy7170

    He was just making a winning play guys chill

  8. Antdawg2400

    Those guru sessions that he was on that show for are obviously a bunch a new age hooey.

  9. Rsardinia

    “We’re professionals” says the guy who punched his teammate

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