@Los Angeles Lakers

Listen to this on your own, then once w your mama, then again with your cousins. You’ll be a better informed fan afterwards (hopefully).

I really don’t like Anthony Irwin. He’s my least favorite person who covers the team. He thinks he’s disliked because he “says things that are difficult for fans to hear”, but that’s not it. I appreciate his honesty when things aren’t great in Laker Land. It’s his snarky attitude, delivery, etc that make him irritating.

HOWEVER, he is so right on the money in this 15 min pod that I almost listened to it twice. See, when I woke up to the news that accountability still isn’t a thing with the Lakers and that Rob got an extension I was angry. I’m rarely on this sub during the offseason, but I checked it out today because I wanted to vent with other fans that were surely going to be upset like I am. Right?!

Nope. I’d say 50-70% of the sub came out with excuses, false hope, while also being defensive to anyone saying otherwise. I’ve been reading this sub for awhile now, but I always held back from commenting because I wanted to avoid wasting time arguing w others. I started to post around free agency, when we were all pitching trade ideas that never came close to fruition.

Now, whether you like the Pelinka extension or not, I’d advise everybody to listen to this quick emergency pod by Anthony/Silver Screen & Roll. He masterfully breaks down Rob’s tenure here. Hopefully you come out of listening to it nodding in agreement or waking up from dreams of delusion.

by EvilGeniusGL

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