@Golden State Warriors

[Burke] Looney on Draymond: “It’s been different. It’s been complicated…he’s got some work to do to get that trust back from us, but I think he’s willing to do so.”

[Burke] Looney on Draymond: “It’s been different. It’s been complicated…he’s got some work to do to get that trust back from us, but I think he’s willing to do so.”

by NokCha_


  1. Cheap-Bed1892

    Damnit draymond. Why’d you have to do this shit. We could’ve steamrolled teams this year. Smh

  2. Jetad9403

    Damn seems like a lot of the vets lost some respect for draymond after this

  3. voldemortscore

    Very telling for sure. People still trying to brush this off as no big deal need to pay attention.

  4. shakeANDbake653

    I know a lot of this sub tried to brush this off as nothing, but it really seemed it really impacted a lot of players and staff. Draymond better be buying all the dinners on the road trip and not fuck around during practices or in meetings.

  5. NickPetey

    Glad to see leaders from GS get real about it and not just deflect.

  6. Dynasty_30

    The fact that Looney is saying that is very telling because he’s been one of the most vocal leaders through all of this. Whatever he says is probably a reflection of most of the team.

    Draymond really fucked up big time and I just hope it doesn’t have a negative affect on our season because this group can certainly win it all again

  7. I_dont_eat_animals_

    For loon to say this is a big deal since he’s one of the most quiet and reserved guys on our team

  8. leseilse

    man it’s looney who said that and not just anyone, looney

  9. AdComprehensive7879

    yeah this is def not nothing.

    Damn it Dray, why do you always have to ruin good things? Our offseason was going so smoothly as well, while other teams were plagued with internal drama/scandal.

  10. sh1r0_n3k0

    No matter how many dumbass technical/flagrant foul from Dray that cost us the game, I could still accept it and still support him. But this is really the most damaging friendly fire action by Dray and that’s why as a fan I still can’t find how to fix this and moving forward. JP 1st interview gonna be the most watch.

  11. SuperbDrink6977

    I’ve been a Draymond apologist for many years but this bullshit is inexcusable. He’s a selfish asshole and acts like an entitled child. He’s emotionally immature and unstable and someone should have checked his ass a long time ago. Kerr and company have enabled this man child long enough. Send him to LA and let him ride LeBrons D, idgaf. He will be exposed for the overrated punk he is anywhere else. Without the two greatest shooters in history, he would be a nobody. Get him outta here and turn his ass back into a pumpkin.

  12. dnesdnal17

    So Myers, Kerr, Steph and now loon with the same “gotta rebuild that trust” line. Damn. Green got no friends in that locker room, rightfully so.

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