@National Basketball Association

Ja Morant winning MIP set a bad precedent for the award

Several sports books predictions for Most Improved Player have their highest odds on guys like Edwards, Zion, Cade, RJ. Why are young top overall picks even being discussed for this? They are supposed to be GREAT. Not to mention the fact that these guys have already proven themselves as 20ppg scorers. Zion himself literally averaged 27ppg in his second year how can he possibly be considered for this award?!?!

Just take a look through these lists. Most of these players have already proven themselves as great young talents. Hoping this doesn’t last because the narrative for this award needs to go back to being considered for guys who truly breakout when no one expects like Siakam or McCollum.

by shiftyt05


  1. Few_Mulberry7175

    Ja wasn’t even the MIP of his own team lol

  2. LemonPepper-Lou

    I actually agree with this take. Give it to the role players who bust their ass, not the guy who was supposed to be the franchise player…

  3. madmaxp0618

    Zion being on there is wild, but I don’t see why Cade, RJ, or Edwards couldn’t win it if they put up the numbers to get it as well as lead their team to success, which is almost always the deciding factor on MIP. Very rarely do you see a guy on a bad team winning the award. (BI in 2020 and K-Love in 2011 the only real recent anomalies)

  4. polly-plz

    The best MIP award was Julius Randle when he did a 180 on his career over a single off-season. Role player to all-star.

  5. Expensive-Rip3370

    lmao if Zion wins MIP the award lost its meaning completely. Although Ja Morant shouldn’t have won, his numbers did take a leap. For Zion to actually deserve it he’d have to put up 30+ ppg, or greatly improve his assist and rebound numbers

  6. TheMagicalLlama

    I get ur point, but who tf should they give MIP odds to then? Most likely it shouldn’t be a top pick, it should be a guy you’d never see contributing at that level….if you could accurately predict that you should be working for a team


    Most Improved Player should go to the most improved player. Don’t care where you’re drafted. Perhaps there were other more improved players last year than Ja, idk, but that analysis should be independent of draft position.

  8. For what it’s worth, MIP award is the successor of the Comeback player of the year award. It really has no place being given to great young phenoms who take that expected jump, but it’s easier for the voters that way I guess

    Edit: for further context, PG and Kevin Love both won it in there 3rd seasons, just like Ja, so it’s not strictly an age thing. But I think it’s because they made a leap from just a good player to an all star caliber one in that season; whereas Ja already was. It’s just odd because there were better candidates.Hell, Morant wasn’t even the best candidate on his team.

  9. AnotherDrZoidberg

    I kind of disagree. I don’t think expectations absolutely need to be a factor in mip. Ja took a leap and started looking like he could be a legit superstar. He scored like 10 more points per game and increased his efficiency a lot.

    I don’t think it sets a real precedent. Preseason betting odds for this award don’t mean a ton.

    I agree those aren’t guys in would expect to win it. But if one of them truly ascends and has a large statistical increase I don’t see an issue with them winning. Though Zion would be pretty absurd.

  10. tha_carter

    Friendly reminder for the people thinking Zion previously performed too well to receive MIP votes:

    The year after Lebron almost got unanimous MVP, he received votes for Most Improved Player.

  11. IcyCorgi9

    If Zion gets it the award is officially meaningless. Might as well just rename it “MVP for players under 25”

  12. RosaReilly

    Morant went from scoring 28 points per 100 possessions, to 39.6, and his TS+ went from 94 to 102. I’m struggling to find a bigger increase than that in scoring.

  13. Smellmyhand

    It should’ve been Poole. Everyone said when they gave it to Ja. I’m not even a Ja hater like most of this sub but it’s so dumb that he won it

  14. DJLookinAss

    Yeah this could quickly just turn into the MVP award for second or third year lottery picks. Against the spirit of the award imo, really don’t like the direction we’re headed with this

  15. this is not something new Paul Geoge, Oladipo and even T mac have an MIp

  16. snyckers

    Until they define the award more it’s pretty meaningless. Typically just goes to a player already on the rise that now gets more opportunity.

  17. ballsohaahd

    Yea I can’t believe Poole didn’t win MIP. Ja was close
    To as good last year, also that’s why he gave it to Bane cuz he knows Bane improved more than him lol.

  18. NoLimitSoldier31

    Set a bad precedence for an award absolutely nobody cares about?

  19. Briggity_Brak

    Hopefully Ja giving it to Bane helps them get their heads out of their asses, but there’s no way we can avoid Zion getting it in a healthy season this year.

  20. Lilpops13

    They didn’t wanna put him in talks for abythigg no else, bro shouldn’t have even been in talks for MIP

  21. hayzeusofcool

    T-Mac, CJ, Oladipo, Love, and Ingram were all lottery picks who were expected to be great anyways, and each won the award. I think the MIP varies year to year, but it seems to lean toward a players have zero to slim chance of being an all-star and/or all-nba one year, to exceeding that expectation the next.

  22. Projinator

    Didn’t we see almost an exact replica of this with Brandon Ingram?

  23. iuse2bgood

    Richard Jefferson winning that this season would really be unprecedented.

  24. thebranbran

    Poole Garland Murray. My vote was Poole but any of those 3 winning would have made sense. Ja was already an all star caliber player.

  25. kerblamophobe

    Jordan Poole was robbed. Ja was an MVP candidate, which means he’s expected to play at a consistently high level. Just goes to show how the narrative peddlers at ESPN and company ruin these aspects of the league.

  26. MooseMeat60

    I can’t name a single MIP and I don’t plan to start any time soon. There’s no award that means less well getting more talk.

  27. Chimifuckingchangas8

    I don’t understand this. A lot of people share this sentiment, but why is this a thing? The award is meant for the player who improved the most. Not the player who improved the most who was not supposed/expected to. Is there a reason for this? Even when people say “but it shouldn’t go to second year players, because that improvement is expected”, why does it matter? Does the improvement have to happen in an unexpected manner?

    Maybe I’m missing something, but I just don’t understand why we don’t award it to players who have improved the most, independent of the expectations set of them.

  28. retrograderevolution

    Agree. Zion had a similar jump but it would have seemed dumb to give it to him. Keep it guys who were bad and got good.

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