@Los Angeles Lakers

Stephen A. Smith – “Draymond Green is expecting this to be his last year in Golden State. Now, he wanna be a Laker. He ain’t gonna tell anybody that, but don’t think I don’t know. He’d prefer to be a Laker if he gotta leave Golden State.”

Stephen A. Smith – “Draymond Green is expecting this to be his last year in Golden State. Now, he wanna be a Laker. He ain’t gonna tell anybody that, but don’t think I don’t know. He’d prefer to be a Laker if he gotta leave Golden State.”

by daftmunt


  1. He can come here for $10 million cause hell no otherwise.

  2. nellywentdiamond

    Heā€™ll be a piston next szn fa sho šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

  3. nellywentdiamond

    Draymond is the epitome of an ā€œintangibles playerā€ but the dubs are clearly tired of his antics and due to those down years after the 2019 finals they got some really solid youth to keep around curry and klay. I will say this though they are done winning chips when he leaves

  4. kenadi2019

    Another old guy that can’t shoot. No thanks.

  5. Bahamut727

    For the money heā€™s going to want no thank you.

  6. Kirklangley23

    He wants to be with Bron and AD so bad. He can come for the MLE.. Bron, AD, Pet bev and Dray would be hard knocks materialā€¦ that defense would be lethal tho lol

  7. Any_Wrongdoer_9796

    I told idiots on here this months ago and got overwhelmingly downvoted you dorks donā€™t know basketball.

  8. Character_Safety_519

    Am I the only one who really doesnā€™t want Draymond? Heā€™s an amazing defender but I feel most of his value lies in how he fits in the Warriors system specifically. Not to mention personality concerns and how he might affect team chemistry.

  9. corybekem

    What started this narrative in the first place? I seen Trey young tweet something similar about the situation. Seems like him and bron have a great personal and business relationship but so do him,Chris Paul and many other players around the league.

  10. nottherealstanlee

    He’s a giant size Pat Bev and weakening the heart of GS would be great… but idk man. I guess it depends how FA shakes out but I’d hope for a different way to spend our money. As much as Draymond affects winning, he’s just not very skilled. Can’t shoot well, isn’t a great athlete, defends well but isn’t a rim protector. If we move AD to the 5, I can see it.

    Idk how we fill out the 1 and 2 though if we give all our cash to Draymond. Not to mention a wing.

  11. iamthecheesethatsbig


  12. Since we have leverage now, he should be getting nothing more than MLE ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø

  13. OutlandishnessOk4729

    ..the grammar šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø
    Amazing how this is what we get when he’s quoted

  14. okay but where do they keep getting notion? sure Draymond is besties with Bron but where are they getting these hints like Trae Young, do they know something we don’t?

  15. Plucky-Me

    The Lakers are not a retirement plan for people wanting to setup their future businesses…

  16. martie242

    How would this work with Lebron being the actual PG. The reason he works in GS is because Steph is so good off the ball. No way would we give him a max

  17. noknownothing

    It’s kinda an open secret, not some SAS scoop.

  18. yasmiester

    Flashback to when Draymond said he wanted to be in the building when Lebron breaks the scoring record

  19. At the right price? Sure….I wouldn’t give him a high value contract though.

  20. Nijee302

    Draymond is definitely coming to the Lakers if he leaves Warriors

  21. imnotknox

    Well, there goes the bag we can give out next summer.

  22. WhosThis85

    Stephen A. needs to shut up lol he donno wtf he talking bout

  23. Ct2kKB24

    Excellent. 3 team trade. Warriors get turner, lakers get green/buddy/filler, pacers get a warriors first, a protected lakers first and Westbrook

    Pacers get their two picks and dump negative salary, lakers pick up an elite defender which they desperately need, warriors fix their chemistry and get turner on an expiring so even if heā€™s hurt/doesnā€™t resign he ultimately isnā€™t part of their long term plans. So they easily resign Poole and go from there.

    A rare win-win-win trade.

    Also for anyone saying no, green was the run away best defender in the league last year and was a shoe in for the dpoy until he got hurt. In the playoffs he shut down Jokic in the clutch. Pair him with AD, and if we make the playoffs, no team is scoring inside

  24. No thanks. Don’t want Draymond’s drama here. Not to mention his ugly-ass fashion sense.

  25. GokutheAnteater

    We are gonna use the cap space from Russ to sign Draymond arenā€™t we?

  26. CabbageStockExchange

    Dray, AD, Bev, Reaves, and a locked in LeBron would be a terrifying defense. Not giving a max to a 33 year old Dray though. That would be an awful financial decision

  27. singh853

    Brilliant reporting by the great Stephen A Smith. NBA player wants to play for the Lakers, I can see the headlines now!

  28. mrlandlord

    So, he is literally punching his way to the Lakers?

  29. yepitsdevon

    I donā€™t really want him but Beverley/LeBron/Draymond/AD would be some of the most insane fucking defense the leagueā€™s ever seen.

  30. KoryGrayson

    Drayton is a Hall of Fame player, but so is Russ (even more so). The question is the fit and how does the Lakers’ front office feel? Do they look at the name and automatically get happy? With Russ, there was a lot of wishcasting, looking at him for what he could be and not what he is.

    If you hear statements like Draymond will adjust his game or play differently with the Lakers, start to worry. Draymond is high IQ, elite defense, high technical foul count and inefficient shooting. He will find open guys on the break, set good screens and pass out to open shooters at the 3 point line. The Lakers are not the Warriors, so those open guys will miss more shots than Draymond is used to.

    Is he a player that can help the Lakers? Absolutely. Does he fill a need? Yes. Should the Lakers make signing or trading for him a priority? Depends on the price. My guess is that it would be too steep for the Lakers. Both in terms of draft capital and salary commitment. Plus, I don’t know if it makes sense to commit your three top salaries to below average three point shooters (again).

    If the Lakers do pursue this, it would mean that they feel Draymond is individually a great player regardless of circumstance. That playing with Steph and Klay was not a driver of his success, but he would be as (or almost as) effective anywhere. It may be true, but it is still a huge gamble.

  31. Surprise surprise Draymond is a hypocrite. Same beef he had with KD about not being committed & having one foot out the door in a contract year, heā€™s also doing the same.

    The guy is actually just a piece of ass man. Genuinely shitty guy

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