@Golden State Warriors

Draymond Green Has DESTROYED The Warriors Dynasty

Draymond Green and the Golden State Warriors are once again at the center of controversy that could derail the 2023 Season. Hope you enjoy.


  1. Bruh dude literally pushed Green before he got punched 😂
    Yo a push is an assault, Green technically defended himself legally speaking 🤷‍♂️
    I'm not saying he should have punched him, he shouldn't have but leaving out the push in the context of the fight isn't good analysis of what happened.

  2. big mistake if they allow DG to leave. GSW will be total weaklings without an enforcer. They already are with DG as the only strong arm.

  3. jordan poole’s ceiling is insane not just 20ppg do you not remember what he did against denver im all in on the poole party

  4. There is no "alpha male," that idea came from wolves in captivity. Wolves in the wild are completely different. Just like people outside of prison are completely different.

    What Draymond did, looked like something a prisoner would do. This guy is making millions to play basketball, he's a complete clown for this.

  5. Draymond still a top defender in basketball so he’ll easily get another bag somewhere else but nothing near a max

  6. U r the 3rd channel I canceled because of your snowflake opinion. Sucker punch. U put your hands on me, your the bitch if you think nothing is going to happen. Self awareness! Kid, you are a twat!

  7. Who, what? Don't fall for those headlines my guy, Dray is a beast on defense and the Dubs got no one to handle the Jokic's of the world. Yes what he did was very wrong but we need to pump the breaks for a minute.

  8. I see how many people have been ready to trash Draymond’s name like he’s never been worth anything. He should never have started that and definitely not punched his teammate. However people forget how important Draymond is to makeup of the team. Jordan did not start this and Draymond escalated it waaaay too far but let’s not forget the value Draymond has brought to this team and Steph and Klay’s careers.

    He didn’t make them but i hate seeing people try to rewrite history to act like he’s been an overpaid, overvalued bum

  9. I haven't liked Draymond since he kicked Steven Adams in the balls… Twice. He will cross any line when he gets emotional

  10. IMO – Draymond did not destroy the Warriors dynasty, we only created a small ripple in wave of success. When the season starts and they start winning again, this topic will be an old story.

  11. Your takes are great, this is what we need in this NBA media jungle with all the biased stories and takes. Keep up the good work

  12. oh cmon now, now yall trippin over some lil fight. let the warriors deal with it and stop bitching around and making out of a little problem a big one. in the first place this video shouldnt have been published. fights between teammates are normal. some get over it and others dont, but important for that is that the problem is dealt internaly without the world knowing about it. bc of people like those who just wanna talk about problems and exagerate, issues come up bc "we" expect the warriors to punish dray or force them to do sth drastic. just let them be and mind yall own business

  13. this WILL BE Green's last year with GSW, he's 33 years old his playing days is on a decline wants a max contract and now with the superman punch puts the nail on the coffin.

  14. While punching his teammate was disgusting, we should also point out that Jordan pushed Green in the chest first. That does not make it alright for Green to deck him but he has always competed on the edge. To say he is worthless to the Warriors is foolish. Watch the playoffs last year. Who set the picks, who set up the shooters with the perfect pass, who handled the ball, assisted and rebounded in every game. I have rewatched the games several times and I would tell young players to watch him and how important he was to the teams success. He was and is their best defensive player and as well as they score they won the title with defense.

  15. You've never played sports or been in a fight. Poole crossed a line and it turned physical. It's obvious Poole kept saying sh!t and then pushed Draymond… that's game on. Both are in the wrong and should take equal blame.
    No brainer only if you're trading Curry. Signing your offense only 6 man to a max is a no brainer? Curry +50mX4yrs and Klay +40mX2yrs. So you want to lose Draymond and resign Poole… you're capped out and have the softest most expensive team in the league… who's not winning another title.
    Have you watched many games? When Green is out they lose. They lose because Draymond is the point guard and defensive leader. If they get rid of him they'll have to have another ball handler since Iggy is basically a coach. They haven't addressed this problem at on. Kuminga is so raw and is not a creator. He's years away from helping you win. PBJ and Moody are catch and shoot players. They're not winning anything till they find a point forward to free up everyone.

  16. In what world are you sucker punched after pushing off of someone else? Especially, if the retaliated almost immediately.

    You keep saying he was caught off guard and sucker punched.

    They shouldn’t have been talking ish to each other. Draymond shouldn’t have gotten on Poole’s face, Poole shouldn’t have pushed off of Draymond.

    Stop acting like he was just hit while his back was turned or that he is some innocent participant.

  17. Draymonds one of the toughest players to evaluate in NBA history.
    The individual stats don't look that amazing , yet we know if Draymond wasn't good he wouldn't be on 6 finals teams averaging over 30 minutes per game , and off the court he both adds an extra edge that a team with easy going personalities like Steph, Klay ,KD may have needed and then we already know the down side of his personality.

  18. Ngl people just hate the warriors and hate Draymond so they keep pushing this narrative like things won’t heal. If it were a less-hated on team like the pelicans or something, they’d just chalk it up to early season nerves

  19. Dray's had a bad offseason. He kind of insulted Curry on the JJ podcast, by saying that he wasn't at that level to put a team on his back, and now this.

  20. Of course I heard about the incident endlessly but this is the first time I see the footage. I would press charges and either ask for a massive pay-out or get Green fired. That wasn't a skirmish where an errand punch found someone's chin, this is clear assault.

  21. It was the worse. He is not on jordans level. Jordan was able to do what he wants cause his work ethic was beyond anyone else and performance was godly.

  22. funny how a leaked video is causing the " downfall" of a professional team. i wouldnt be surprised if every team in any sport have players fight amongst eachother more than WE think. we are on the outside looking in. but in this case the staffers from the warriors camp who leaked this really dropped the ball in this one.

  23. I think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion, judging by Steph and Kerr's responses in post conferences. Steve Kerr said in 30 years in the NBA, he's seen something like 20 fist fights. This had all the makings of one, had Jordan responded differently, but his hands were down.

    Draymond sucker punched a teammate. Someone in the organization leaked it. Both of those are problems that need to be addressed with the Warriors organization for a healthy season to happen, otherwise, where is the trust?

  24. The thought I have in mind is Draymond is the best player needed for their system in the defense.
    He is the foundation for their defense and they need the young talents learn from him.
    They are a really really good offensive team but losing Draymond in defense will leave a huge hole for others to fill

  25. Good theory. It is a conspiracy theory though….hmm…you don't trust conspiracy theories in general? You're such an American buddy. And it's sad because these days conspiracy theories aimed toward corporations, media and government are all right. Perhaps you should change your opinion on conspiracy theories you bright young man.

  26. Why does everyone keep leaving out that JP pushed Green up towards his throat. There’s a big difference pushing someone away in the chest and pushing someone away towards their face. It’s disrespectful

  27. U make Dreymond a regular guy who doesn’t play basketball- and he’s facing serious abuse charges – but noooo – because he plays basketball there’s gonna b zero legal issues for him and he’s gonna get a nice fat pay check in the next offseason – truly unbelievable

  28. It’s interesting to see how the media that constantly reference the old days and enforcers and punching guys in the mouth
    Draymond had nothing left to prove other than alpha enforcer
    Who’s era ain’t tough now
    What you gonna say now

  29. A day before Jordan told Draymond he's be playing in Sacramento a year from now and asked him if getting triple singles impress the girls and then in practice the next day he called a few touch fouls on Draymond and said you know what time it is. And that's when Draymond went up to him and swung

  30. Your takes are usually good, but your click bait title is ridiculous. Comparing the 90’s Bulls situation isn’t even close to the same, at least not in the way you’re making your case. If you did actually watch The Last “Dance” documentary, then you would know that there’s significant differences in context. Scottie Pippen was severely underpaid as a 2nd option for his entire career and no player on the Warriors has that gripe with Warriors ownership or management. Unlike Bulls ownership and management, Lacob has went deep into the luxury tax, unorthodox, which Kraus and Bulls were unwilling to do to keep that team together. The Bulls were telling Jordan that Phil Jackson would not be back the next season (1998-99), and basically gave Jordan and the others the ultimatum. Kraus didn’t want to pay Phil Jackson’s salary or extend his contract. He wanted to avoid luxury tax and possibly keep Jordan and rebuild around him. Warriors situation isn’t even close to the same. That’s like Lacob and Meyers telling Curry that Sreve Kerr won’t be back next season and they had been paying Klay Thompson pennies on the dollar the entire dynasty… If you want to make comparisons to strengthen your point, don’t use the ending of the Bulls dynasty as your example, because that just isn’t relevant at all. The one similarity is that Jordan got into fights/altercations with more than one teammate, and he was the leader of the team. Draymond also has a leadership role, and Jordan, Cartwright, Kerr, and the rest of them went on to win 6 titles… so saying the dynasty is over because of this practice altercation is totally off base and ridiculous… though I will admit, it gets you likes, clicks, views, and comments… and it gets Warriors and Draymond haters to get all excited about the potential for a collapse of the Dubs… but you’re straight up lying or in denial if you really believe it. Again, I respect your hustle, but the dynasty isn’t over. It’s over if they aren’t able to win another title, not because of this practice bs.

  31. That’s not a sucker punch, they were both squared up. A sucker punch is when someone blindsides you. It’s really not that big of a deal either until the press starts to instigate it. They make it worse than it actually is. Soft ass generation

  32. One other vital point, projecting that either Draymond or Poole will be gone after the 2022-23 season is not a hot take. That was already going to happen regardless if there was the altercation/leaked video or not… Simple fact, Poole is due for a “bag” and Warriors were not going to pay him a bag to be a 6th man. Curry nowhere near retirement, and simply the Warriors best option would be a sign and trade for Poole after his rookie contract expires. It also doesn’t make sense for them to keep Wiggins, unless Poole goes and they get other pieces and more draft picks. They were also not wanting to pay Draymond another Max deal, and that is why your theory that they purposefully leaked the video is probably true. The Warriors want leverage over Draymond, and they also hurt his market value with other organizations who don’t want that kind of vibe in their locker rooms or practices. Now they can offer him way less, and still afford Wiggins, and let Draymond walk if he wants, because they still have Andre to tutor Kuminga for a season, and they can re-sign JaMychal Green too. Draymond, like so many Warriors fans like to argue, IS replaceable, especially that he’s older and his offense is a lot worse. That said, I still believe Draymond has a lot more left in the tank, and if he can humble himself truly, he can take a big pay cut and keep the dynasty humming… but the dynasty can hum without him. It’ll just take some time to adjust.

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