@Golden State Warriors

KERR to youngsters on Draymond altercation: “not normal”, Steph Curry “making sure…ppl are healing”




• Steve Kerr opens his news conference with expressions of condolence to the family of Joe Roberts, the former Warriors assistant from the 1970s who passed away over the weekend. (Monte Poole)

• Kerr said today was a light day of practice. A lot of individual work. Younger guys were reviewing concepts. “We had a good day.” (Madeline Kenney)

• Still unclear when Draymond Green might return to the team, and he said they’re handling it internally. (Madeline Kenney, 95.7 The Game)

• On Les Quinones: “athletic…we’ll see” and Pat Spencer: “really intriguing prospect.”

• On Kuminga: “still needs work on off-ball defense…being wary to help rather than late…JK has been great. He’s had an excellent training camp… His approach. His attitude. It’s been fantastic…the development continues…it’s about reps…just like James does…He’s starting to get a sense of what kind of player he needs to be to get on the floor for us…can’t be a ball-stopper…we need him to finish a play (not iso)…DHO and dive…fall into points and rebounds.” (me, 95.7 The Game)

• On PNR of Poole and Wiseman: “We haven’t seen a ton of reps…I anticipate that they’ll play quite a bit together this season.” (me, Dalton Johnson)

• On Wiseman being where he should be: “I think he’s further along than I expected him to be…great summer and has been healthy…this is how it’s supposed to look…delayed for a couple years with COVID and injuries…I told him better late than ever…he’s running his own race.” (me)

• On Looney: “first couple years he was a church mouse (but now very vocal)…he’s had his 10,000 hours of guarding pick and roll (and et al).” Monte Poole says Looney told him that he wants to be on an All-Defensive team. “Draymond is the wild card (on defense where Loon is less the free safety).” (me)

• On Steph being an extension of the coaching staff in the locker room: “He’s a communicator…been hard at work these last four or five days trying to make sure things are going okay and people are healing. Steph, he’s our guy.” (me)

• On structure of practices: “Golden Hour…vets are in the training room…young guys are on the floor…trying to get them a ton of reps.”

• On the Draymond altercation and having to counsel the youngsters more: “I told them this is not normal.”

NOTE: From Golden State Warriors practice, day before Portland Trail Blazers preseason game. We will go live Tue 10/11 at 6:30PM PDT for the livechat and commentary during the game, which tips off at 7:00PM!

#Warriors #SteveKerr #StephenCurry






    • Steve Kerr opens his news conference with expressions of condolence to the family of Joe Roberts, the former Warriors assistant from the 1970s who passed away over the weekend. (Monte Poole)

    • Kerr said today was a light day of practice. A lot of individual work. Younger guys were reviewing concepts. “We had a good day.” (Madeline Kenney)

    • Still unclear when Draymond Green might return to the team, and he said they’re handling it internally. (Madeline Kenney, 95.7 The Game)

    • On Les Quinones: “athletic…we’ll see” and Pat Spencer: “really intriguing prospect.”

    • On Kuminga: “still needs work on off-ball defense…being wary to help rather than late…JK has been great. He’s had an excellent training camp… His approach. His attitude. It’s been fantastic…the development continues…it’s about reps…just like James does…He’s starting to get a sense of what kind of player he needs to be to get on the floor for us…can’t be a ball-stopper…we need him to finish a play (not iso)…DHO and dive…fall into points and rebounds.” (me, 95.7 The Game)

    • On PNR of Poole and Wiseman: “We haven’t seen a ton of reps…I anticipate that they’ll play quite a bit together this season.” (me, Dalton Johnson)

    • On Wiseman being where he should be: “I think he’s further along than I expected him to be…great summer and has been healthy…this is how it’s supposed to look…delayed for a couple years with COVID and injuries…I told him better late than ever…he’s running his own race.” (me)

    • On Looney: “first couple years he was a church mouse (but now very vocal)…he’s had his 10,000 hours of guarding pick and roll (and et al).” Monte Poole says Looney told him that he wants to be on an All-Defensive team. “Draymond is the wild card (on defense where Loon is less the free safety).” (me)

    • On Steph being an extension of the coaching staff in the locker room: “He’s a communicator…been hard at work these last four or five days trying to make sure things are going okay and people are healing. Steph, he’s our guy.” (me)

    • On structure of practices: “Golden Hour…vets are in the training room…young guys are on the floor…trying to get them a ton of reps.”

    • On the Draymond altercation and having to counsel the youngsters more: “I told them this is not normal.”

    NOTE: From Golden State Warriors practice, day before preseason game vs Portland Trailblazers. after loss vs LA Lakers.

    #Warriors #SteveKerr #StephenCurry


  2. I'm pretty sure there's really touch home for him being that he got punched in practice by Michael Jordan and I'm pretty sure he's doing everything he wanted them to do to Jordan to Draymond Green, yep buddy you getting it from old and new😅

  3. We are blessed as warriors fans to ha e steve kerr as head coach. All the experience in the world from Phil Jackson and Popovic, played with mj scottie and a lunatic like Rodman, played with Tim duncan, manu and Parker etc won championships, got into a fight with the goat, was a part owner of an nba team, worked in the front office as a gm, his personal life and loss

  4. I don’t know how SK reacted punched by MJ. He probably took the high road of humility. JP should do the same and seems doing so. Letting go and forgiving will do him good. And if DG knows anything about humility, he will humble himself having been forgiven.

  5. DG is both an asset and a liability to the gsw team and management should be very careful but objective in dealing with him.

  6. kids are punching other kids in the mouth and saying "draymond green!"
    kids look up to dray and emulates his behavior.
    he should get charged for assault.

  7. Tyrone was a mistake. McClung won his game, Tyrone lost his. In the draft, the common wisdom is to pick the best player available. The same should be true here. McClung earned a spot. He should not have been cut

  8. I’m starting to think Steph don’t be doing shit leadership wise. He seems like he’s a lead by example type not a verbal leader, neither is Klay. Klay a 11 year vet and we don’t hear shit about his leadership, that’s crazy.

  9. warriors leaked the video. they benefit the most with this. they get out of potential max deal. now they have the leverage else he can go. so they hold all the cards.

  10. incredible dodge at 9 min in to back up Draymond while complementing Loon. Definitely committed to Dray. Wish Kerr had said "Loon could be an all D aware winner"

  11. I love how Coach Steve expresses his genuine concern for all his players. I wonder if each and everyone of his players and the of the entire gsw organization also expresses their concern for Coach Steve. Obviously he is not feeling well as he continuously move his hands and his chest almost every 5 seconds all throughout this interview. For me, Steve Kerr is synonymous with Team game Basketball.

  12. Put this coach on any lower level team and you'd see that he's not that good. Look how they stunk it up a few years back when their stars were injured. OVER RATED!!

  13. Handled badly. Green threw a punch with intentions to damage. Not becoming of a supposedly veteran leader and champion. Should have been suspended for a year and given his last year as severance.

  14. Well I agree they shouldn’t be violent , there is violence, It’s American ,, Jordan and Draymond, must do everything to rekindle Friendship. Camaraderie and trust. With the warriors organization especially.

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