@National Basketball Association

[Raja Bell on why he thinks GSW should have immediately suspended Draymond after the incident] You’ve done something that doesn’t leave everyone happy, but makes everyone feel like you’ve done something for them and I think that’s the sign of a good negotiation.


>I’m gonna come down on Draymond, “Draymond you know you fucked up. You know you messed up. And so you’re suspended for 10-15 [games]. That’s the price of doing business.”

>“Jordan Poole, check this out; we sat him down, okay? We know you’re the future, we want this to work out. You gotta understand that we might have a window. His ass is suspended immediately. Effective immediately. For 15 games.”

>And so you’ve done something that doesn’t leave everyone happy, but makes everyone feel like you’ve done something for them and I think that’s the sign of a good negotiation.

Raja, who’s been in his fair share of NBA skirmishes, gave his take on what he would have done and said to both sides if he was Warriors management.

I don’t agree with everything he said, but I do agree not coming out with an immediate suspension keeps the situation in limbo for both sides.

by lopea182


  1. VilyaNenyaNarya

    Dray makes 25.8mil this season, that’s one expensive punch if he gets 10-15 games.

    He’d be the highest paid UFC fighter this year off that punch lmao.

  2. kush-dynasty

    15 games seems like a lot.

    i feel like anywhere from 5-10 games would be enough.

  3. 10 games would have been about right.But yes they should have done something to show Poole that he is very important to the organization. Instead of saying it was nothing. This kind of thing happens all the time. It was not nothing.They did not however. Poole was made to feel like the organization does not have his back. I would not be surprised to see major issues on that team if they leave it at this.

  4. freeyourselfromkarma

    i think Lacob, Kerr etc. are scared of Draymond, he might jump them in the hallway

  5. 10 games, almost 1/8th of a season. That is more than the NBA suspends players for such an action. That is more than Bobby Portis was suspended for fracturing a team mates jaw and making said player miss 23 games.

    Punish Dray, but be realistic…

  6. IntelligentQuickley

    Warriors Front office and adam silver are pathetic bitch made sell outs. An embarrassment to this league, all sports, and the work place culture. Zero accountability from silver or their organization, and worst of all this is all being swept under the rug.

  7. They’re trying to win a championship, he should be in the lineup opening night, eventually something else will dominate the NBA news cycle, I agree if they were gonna punish Dray that it should’ve happened already and been definitive, not a nebulous “he’s away from the team for now”

  8. paddiction

    At this point doesn’t it mean they won’t suspend him? Since if they suspend him now it will leave both sides unhappy?

  9. if i’m Poole i’m working the leverage i’ve got, i would need more than that, i need a bag, a big one.

  10. sctthuynh

    The Warriors should’ve suspended Dramond 5-10 games imo.

    Portis was suspended 8 games for punching Mirotic which fracture his jaw, causing him to miss significant time.

    Blake Griffin was suspend 4 games for punching the team equipment manager. Griffin also broke his hand in the attack and missed half the season.

    While Draymond’s action didn’t result in any serious injury, the fact that this isn’t his first or second “blow up” should be taken into account.

    Thus far we know Draymond is “away from the team indefinitely” but we don’t know what exactly that entails. Since its the preseason, even if it’s an unpaid leave, Draymond doesn’t actually lose game checks (the real cost of suspension).

    Per the CBA the team is also limited in what they can fine him without suspending him for actual games.

    The league/Silver likely won’t be involve because unless Poole or the police press charges, they have very limited authority to punish Draymond in this case.

  11. Warriors have a take one for the team Poole attitude.WE need you and we need Green. So just shut up say the right things and take it up the kiester. Embarressment .You will get over it. Disrepect you will get over it. a very uncomfortable workplace. You’ll get over that to..If I was Poole I would say I’m going somewhere where they respect me. This guy is going to get a good contract regardless of where he goes.

  12. If I’m Poole I’m signing a extension tomorrow, then first national tv game I’m decking draymond in the face and demanding a trade.

  13. Ok-Coast-9264

    They should do that thing where you mix up a bunch of stuff like ketchup and mustard and mayonnaise and eggs and cinnamon etc etc and make him eat it in front of the team.

    The flavor will be on his lips for a short time, but he’ll be humiliated and definitely think twice before he punches his friend again…

  14. PoroPoint

    I’d say Draymond would be ‘finding himself’ for 15-20 games but internally it is a suspension done by the Warriors.

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