@Golden State Warriors

[Holmes] Draymond Green will return to practice on Thursday, Steve Kerr says. He has been fined, not suspended, and is expected to play in Friday’s preseason finale against the Denver Nuggets.

[Holmes] Draymond Green will return to practice on Thursday, Steve Kerr says. He has been fined, not suspended, and is expected to play in Friday’s preseason finale against the Denver Nuggets.

by NokCha_


  1. BobRoss4Life


    e: Feels weak. Assume it’s cause of the ring ceremony (which is dumb), but as long as everyone is on the same page (Poole especially) and Dray seriously works on himself, fuck it.

    It’s what they were messaging from the get go, so I guess it’s not too surprising. Thought it’d at least be a game, cause he got one (when he probably shouldn’t have) for the KD shit, but what can you do. You’d think this would cost Dray a ton of good will with the org, and maybe it has, but he seems to consistently get away with a lot. Feel like they should have put their foot down, and hopefully they have privately.

    Welp, as Klay said best, this will all be in the past like a ponytail (…hopefully). Give us a Poole extension tomorrow, that’d be a good next step lmao

  2. Well i’m just going to assume that this light punishment means that the team believes they can collectively move on from this quickly and get ready to start the season.

  3. CoolMoon_

    “This is the biggest crisis we’ve ever had since I’ve been coach here. We trust that this is the best decision for our team.”

  4. Snoo-29877

    Good news, I don’t expect Poole to forgive him, but as long as they can sweep it under the rug and play good ball then it’ll be fine

  5. Practical_Sir_510

    Poole looked so chill and happy in the game, he must be okay with this. If he’s okay with it, that’s all that matters.

  6. shakeANDbake653

    Dubs front office has never steered any of us wrong. If they deemed to not suspend Draymond, then I’ll trust in their judgement

  7. seataccrunch

    Damage is done. To team culture. To relationships. To trust. I’ll never respect or support Dray as a fan in the same way.

    I am happy for what he’s done for this dubs dynasty and I will be equally happy when the dubs pay JP and say goodbye to Draymond.

    F you Dray for hurting the incredible unique culture I love so much about the dubs.

  8. 1loosegoos

    This is pretty reasonable in my opinion. I think it looks worse than it was and it may end up having 2-3 positive effects on the team:

    1. poole gets his well-deserved extension
    2. the team gets their security protocols in place for the rest of the season.
    3. dray most likely wont be expecting a max contract after this.

  9. Accomplished_Iron805

    Winning chips can easily sweep this under the rug

  10. t0177177y

    If Poole is truly over it. Then we all should be as well. That being said, I don’t like that players can lash out like that and just get a pass. Idk what kind of message that sends.
    But at the of the day, winning cures all.

  11. voldemortscore

    I think he should have been suspended for Ring Night in particular, even if that was it. Feels pretty light given what he did, but clearly the players (and Poole in particular) was heavily involved with the decision, so fair enough I guess.

  12. Fresh-Ad6095

    Unreal! But Dray and Durant said the FO was weak and passive aggressive

  13. Altruistic-Twist-379

    Look if poole is ok with this, then its the right path to go, i mean media still be dragging this shit and wanting people’s opinion about it too, i was expecting some suspensions but if this is what the FO think then fine,

    better have his ass behave this time. and go back to screaming at the opposing team than punching teamates.

  14. RealPineapple7

    not even a one day suspension though? that’s crazy

  15. dnesdnal17

    It might be “weak” but suspending him *now* after the video leaked is worse.

    As long as everybody is on Klay’s boat, it should be fine.

  16. Shermarki

    Sucker punch teammate > take time off > come back like nothing happened. He’s definitely getting booed…. Interesting to see how he behaves during the season.

  17. pasghetticode

    I feel like Poole should be given one free open-handed slap on Draymond as part of the deal.

  18. neo9027581673

    Feel like the org is completely pissed at Dray but deferred to the players. I didn’t expect Draymond to be traded, there’s too much history with Steph and his only focus is championships. You mix that together with a team that should be coming into this year on a HIGH and they just wanted to move on.

    My Biggest take away: Draymond is so damn lucky to be apart of this amazing organization.

  19. nopointers

    Letting Dray hear some booing when he takes the court at home the first time might do more good than a game suspension.

  20. lenolchoice

    Forgive, but don’t forget. Move on for the betterment of the team, but when it comes to re-signing people and negotiating contracts, this could play a role. Especially since Draymond has a history of this rowdy , emotional behavior.

  21. PR05ECC0

    Pretty disappointed in this outcome. Fine is nothing to him, his “apology” was worthless as he was more concerned with the leak than the act of aggression. Dude is a piece of shit

  22. introvertedguy13

    A weak punishment. I hope Dray stops fucking around.

  23. thailimechilicashews

    We have no idea what actually happened with this decision. Everything coming out of the Dubs organization is prepared and vetted with the PR team. If you think there’s some kind of sincerity with any of this you’re fooling yourselves. They are in damage control mode and we will never know how they arrived at this decision.

  24. t_ran_asuarus_rex

    i am happy that poole and draymond can be in the dubs. better it happened now and not during the season. i trust the moves the front office made and if poole is okay with it, then i am okay with it. draymond hirt his chance at a max, he’s going to ball out and be traded at the end of the season. time for our new guys to step up. j. green looked really good tonight. he’s our tall GP2 lol.

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