@Boston Celtics

Jake Fischer on Callin further clarified the Grant Williams extension stuff

So I was on Jake Fischer’s Callin and I asked if he could explain a little more about the Grant Williams extension being unlikely stuff he wrote. He said that he heard from both the Celtics’ and Grant’s side that the Celtics had made an offer but Grant’s camp made it clear that he was not going to accept it, that things could change but that’s where talks stood at the moment. He didn’t mention numbers of what the offer was.

Here’s audio if you guys want, it’s around 24 minutes into the convo: [](

by tacko2020


  1. thekingamw

    Not to disrespect Grant but if i was PoBO Brad I’d wait to see if Al signs an extension first THEN take care of Grant.

    At present they make a combine $30.7 Mil.

    Id keep that budget right where it is

  2. seasoned-veteran

    He’s an RFA, the team should offer a decent but team friendly extension, and he should turn it down and try to outplay the offer.

  3. General_Tsos_Burrito

    I’ve seen a lot of talk about how much Grant is worth on the open market, but that’s not really relevant here. Celtics are a contender above the cap and can’t afford to let go of quality rotation players. Grant’s side has all the leverage to push for a bigger deal. This is why Cleveland massively overpaid TT, JR Smith, and Shumpert.

  4. downeastsun

    It’s too bad he doesn’t know any of the numbers. If they’re just a million or two a year apart it seems like the pressure of the deadline would push Grant to accept a little less and/or the Celtics to offer a little more. But if the Celtics offer is closer to 10m a year and Grant wants something closer to 20 (or if Grant’s really pushing for a shorter deal with a player option) they’re probably not going to make a deal. I guess Fischer thinks they aren’t too closed

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