@Los Angeles Lakers

Pau Gasol on the Ryen Russillo podcast — 20 minutes with an absolute class act.


Some tidbits I picked up from this interview.

On Kobe running through him in that first Spain-USA game in group play:

“I wasn’t surprised by it.”

“I didn’t mind him getting an offensive foul.”

“He knows I’m the head of the snake of my team.”

They were already close and getting closer by this time.


On the trade situation that brought him to the Lakers:

A year before the trade, Pau talked to management (West) and ownership, and expressed how he was unhappy with how things were going. Ownership was thinking about selling and wanted to make the team more attractive. Making trades, getting younger. Pau wanted to go to a team with a chance to contend. Grizzlies organization leaked these convos, Pau used to get booed by Memphis fans that last year before the trade. He didn’t expect it.

Pau tried to get Memphis to draft Marc!


Ryen also gives Pau his flowers for being such a huge part of our 3-finals, 2-chip squad with Kobe. Pau graciously thanks him, and acknowledges that he was a great fit for the Lakers, essentially the “missing piece” that we needed under Phil.

by damulagRUN


  1. Ok_Direction_2692

    Pau was the Gasol-ina to Kobes Fire

  2. Zammy512

    Gasol is so underrated in NBA history. IMO one of the most skilled and one of the best PF of all time. A prime Gasol would absolutely thrive in todays NBA with his ability to hit the jumper and with how he added the 3 at the end of his career. Love me some Gasolina

  3. ForumFan32

    He talks more about this with JJ Reddick, Did anyone here know that he was getting his medical degree while playing professional in the Spain????? WTF cut it out overachiever!!

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