@Miami Heat

Woj on Twitter, safe to say Herros’ on a good deal.

Woj on Twitter, safe to say Herros’ on a good deal.

by theDgenerate


  1. jameriican

    All that talk from Dub fans to only be worth $!0M more

  2. YouStillTakeDamage

    Would y’all get punched in the face on camera for 140m

  3. oneofone305

    I’m not the biggest Herro fan but it’s hilarious to see the difference in reaction to their extensions from NBA fans. Look how much Poole just got. Heat bias is crazy

  4. prince___dakkar

    Poole’s a better player and should make more money.

    Neither signing indicates one way or the other if these are good deals moving forward with the next CBA. They might be good deals or they might be franchise crippling ones like Tyler Johnson or Hassan Whiteside, all depends on the next CBA and these players’ development.

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