@National Basketball Association

What the Warriors will actually be paying for each player next season, w/ tax: Steph $116 million, Klay $97 million, Poole $70 million, Dray $62 million, Wiggins $55 million, Wiseman $27 million, Looney $17 million, Kuminga $14 million, DiVincenzo $11 million


Those together mean they’re paying 124.65% more for each player. So I multiplied their salary by that and added it to their salary.

Exact numbers:

* Stephen Curry: $116,629,033
* Klay Thompson: $97,092,975
* Jordan Pooole: $70,203,488
* Draymond Green: $61,972,775
* Andrew Wiggins: $54,658,430
* James Wiseman: $27,226,463
* Kevon Looney: $16,848,837
* Jonathan Kuminga: $13,507,915
* Donte DiVincenzo: $10,614,767
* Moses Moody: $8,802,911
* Patrick Baldwin Jr.: $8,802,911
* Ryan Rollins: $3,863,694

This was here yesterday as a luxury tax number but when you look at it on a per player basis cost to the Warriors, it’s pretty mindblowing to me.

by wdrosa


  1. CazOnReddit

    And Wiseman needs to be extended/re-signed in 2023 so this is going to be a fun tightrope for this and next season. Even if we ignore Draymond i.e. will he/won’t he take the PO, they have a lot of tough decisions to make between competing now with their core and prepping for their next era.

  2. planetjeff86

    “Show me the money!” -Jerry Maquire

  3. Longjumping-Ice-1545

    Im not a warriors fan by any means. But players a team acquires as a rookie player should not be taxed this way. There should be a cut off point.
    Like Steph should be paid his 46 mil but the taxable amount should stop at 35 (or something)

    Make this for players still playing for teams that acquired them as a rookie.

  4. sourcreamonionhummus

    absolutely brutal deal with wiseman. awful

  5. shualton

    Jordan Poole’s extension does not kick in until 2023-2024

  6. AryaRemembers

    Good insight into what superstars like Steph would be making if there were no salary cap

  7. FeedbackContent8322

    I think Wiseman’s moved by the deadline

  8. AnkitPancakes

    There’s 1 important caveat to keep in mind: players getting cut has a cascading effect on the remaining salaries as the luxury tax is progressive. So as you remove 1 player (i.e. Draymond), the 124.65% number will go down as well.

    That being said, pretty cool to see the numbers like this.

  9. Btotherianx

    Wish the money all went to the player. Pay them their worth. Curry is worth more than that to the warriors

  10. I envy warriors fans for having such committed ownership

  11. MalkavRS

    People complain about Lebron’s mickey championship but the Warriors are just buying championships by doing this ridiculous spending. So stupid and a bad look for the league.

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