@Atlanta Hawks

10/31/22 Hawks Postgame Comments

Posting it this way because I feel like my notes photos are getting caught in spam.

[Brad Rowland](
Nate McMillan: “We had sloppy play throughout the night with our turnovers. I thought they played with more urgency, more scrap, than we did tonight and it was that way pretty much for 48 minutes.”

[Kevin Chouinard](
Nate McMillan:
“Offensively, that team is switching. It’s not something we haven’t seen. We were just sloppy with the basketball.”

by ahend1999


  1. OkBarber6

    Maybe if you actually put effort into coaching

  2. thenihilisticaxolotl

    “Just Sloppy” LOL. #notmycoach

  3. There is no excuse for Travis coming in on commentary and immediately knowing the issues with our offense and you still being clueless, our guys were just standing with no sense of urgency or care and you just let them stay that way with your resting shit face. How about you grow a pair and stop babying these grown men, especially TRAE YOUNG!!

  4. Death, taxes, and the Hawks losing to the Raptors in the regular season
I don’t think they’ve beaten this team in years.

  5. KevvyBaby

    It’s crazy yall are mad at Nate. I get it he’s not a NBA coach and as fans we like the players more than coaches so we don’t want to blame them but this one is on the players.

    Nate didn’t make them give up turnover after turnover throwing weak lob passes on the perimeter that led to easy fastbreak dunks.

    Nate didn’t make Trae have 10 turnovers.

    These guys have to start giving 100% effort in all games or it’s just going to be repeats of these games and this team of wasted talent.

  6. Administrative_Brick

    Getting majors LP “we didn’t make them feel us” vibes from Nate’s comments

  7. realdusty_shelf

    That “Nate McMillan has been fired” notification is gonna hit me like a line of coke đŸ˜©

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