@Minnesota Timberwolves

This season so far summarized in one clip: Russell turns it over, doesn’t hustle back on defense, then refuses to listen to Naz and gives up a wide open 3

This season so far summarized in one clip: Russell turns it over, doesn’t hustle back on defense, then refuses to listen to Naz and gives up a wide open 3

by mr_purrfect


  1. Could’ve just let it go out of bounds with plenty of time on the clock btw, but nah let’s just grab it and throw a shit pass.

  2. GetThereInOnePiece

    What you don’t realize is that is dlo at full speed

    Geriatric Cliff Paul has more mobility and speed than this scarecrow

  3. That’s unfair, sometimes he does this when Naz isn’t on the floor

  4. LonesomeWulf

    Almost as bad as Ant’s best defensive possession of the year being completely wasted after he got an amazing looking stop and D’Lo just chucks the ball way too far ahead out of bounds to make it completely meaningless.

  5. Illustrious_Self_713

    I’m pretty optimistic but that’s difficult to watch

  6. I had to take a deep breath after seeing that little old man walk he did while Naz and Book are sprinting to the loose ball

  7. srry_didnt_hear_you

    Yup I hated this. D’Lo has been incredibly disappointing this season. Needs to roll with the bench squad while JMac unlocks the starters.

  8. Why are we so fucking bad at adjusting to the open man on defense?

    It’s so bad.

  9. Andy_Wiggins

    Oh man, I was screaming at D’Lo for the pass that led to the open 3 in semi-transition. I didn’t realize in real time that he ignored Naz’s instruction to take the trail guy. For fuck’s sake D’Lo.

  10. HackWaters

    Does anyone know why Dlo spreads his arms out again after the play? Is he indicating that Naz and him had contain on Booker and someone else was supposed to pick up Cam or something? I’m just confused by the whole sequence.

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