@Brooklyn Nets

Why The Brooklyn Nets are so bad and it might be unfixable

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  1. Does day’Ron sharpe not play? Genuine question I haven’t caught a game yet

  2. A lot of fingers being pointed to Nash, feels like such a Scapegoat situation for players not caring about winning.

  3. Man you are a better analyst than espn tnt and all them combined im loving this commentary and factual opinions keep up the good work fam

  4. Ben look so goofy playing basketball bro it’s like space jam somebody took this man’s juice

  5. Craziest part of it is that this team stomped the future champs Bucks just recently and then bad luck and it all snowballed into the oblivion

  6. Ben Simmons DPY, with KD and Kyrie. If you think these problems are gonna last after firing Nash. You’re crazy. They’re winning the Chip and I don’t even like them

  7. I would love for defense to make a comeback… do you think it's the politics of the NBA.. say if an NBA star plays defense and gets scored on does his stock drop… meaning do they get paid less 🤔

  8. I can't watch Ben play it makes so mad all he has to do is try he's built physically it's a effort thing it looks like he doesn't even want to be there

  9. But for KD's trade request, I believe Nash would've been fired this past offseason.
    But in the "shadow" of the trade request, it'd be "bad optics" (look like KD runs the team).
    At least now they can say "At least we tried" – but they pretty much had to let tat situation die down first, then for him for "poor performance", as opposed to "cos star player wanted it", even if that costs them a few early games.

    Nets might just be cursed

  10. Bruh the roster just bad they need to get Demarcus cousin and trade joe Harris for a 3and D player and trade two of those guards player like patty and role player for defensive player and put ben on the bench then hopefully tj come back so he can be help on defense at 3 cause they bad in paint and 3 so pick one to bad at and I say paint defense 😂

  11. Lebron really be the only one who can make a super team work. Mami heat rings got even more valuable

  12. Once again, love this breakdown on defense! It’s missing in national basketball media. Thank you!

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