@Minnesota Timberwolves

Man, 82 games is a lot of games.

Man, 82 games is a lot of games.

by banthony_bedwards


  1. CantaloupeCamper

    For me it is not taking a loss but some of the head turning aspects.

    But long ways to go.

  2. Gbaby245

    Same wolves fans, different year, lol. But come playoff time they will all be on the bandwagon like they never doubted us.

  3. purrestguava

    Remember last season when people were calling for everyone’s heads and then January rolled around and it started clicking? Sans a Pat Bevless roster, I’m getting the same vibes this year.

  4. ZodiacKiller1968

    Every single people in this world will deal adversity. Even great players like Michael Jordan, Mike Trout or Patrick Mahomes have had their slumps as well. And all of them have dominated their sports. Even good teams like the 2010-11 Heat or last year’s Celtics squad struggled in the early going or struggled until like 30 games into the season. Panicking over a small sample size of eight games? You’re soft. Sure, it could be better. But anyone can struggle in a eight-game stretch. It’s very easy to act tough when you’re going well. But once you’re struggling, a lot of you go from looking tough to looking weak. Overcoming adversities shows your true character. 😂😂😂

  5. X-iStheGr8estWRapper

    Obviously hoping to see some improvement, but I think we seriously need to calm down a bit.

    If our problems last more than another month or so then I think it’s the time to start questioning the team.

    Right now tho, can we not be constantly negative? That’d be nice

  6. juventus1

    It’s a long road. Hopefully we’ll get there from here.

    I do think we need some time to gel to figure it out, but that time is nearly here.

    I do think if they figure it out though that this team can touch the sky.

  7. justquestioningit

    So how many games of poor play and awful fit do we have to wait until we can realistically talk about the structural issues this over-pay of a trade created?

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