@National Basketball Association

Kyrie Irving is asked if he has any anti-Semitic beliefs:

Kyrie Irving is asked if he has any anti-Semitic beliefs:

by HaruSoul


  1. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkh

    This reminds me of that scene in the office where everyone is apologizing for the inappropriate water mark and Angela is incapable of saying “I’m sorry”

  2. ROPisagoodseries

    dodging saying no like neo in the matrix

    “i cannot be anti semetic if i know where i come from” lmao what the fuck

  3. CometAzur42069

    From a PR perspective, wouldn’t it be way easier to say regardless of the truth:

    “No, I do not hold any anti-semitic beliefs. I love Jewish people and the Jewish faith and do not hate or wish any harm on them”.

  4. sooshbag69

    > I cannot be anti-semitic if I know where I come from

    Brother you mind speaking English?

  5. REQ52767

    Kyrie has antisemitic beliefs and somehow believes that doesn’t make him antisemitic.

  6. EdgePunk311

    “I cannot be anti-semitic if I know where I come from” is such a fucking cop out bullshit response

  7. jrlandry

    So if you can’t be anti semetic, say you aren’t then.

  8. Behold the world’s first Native American Jewish Muslim.

  9. He is implying he is a true Jew and so can’t be anti-semitic. This is anti-semitic. Lol.

  10. volken330

    “I cannot be anti-Semitic if I know where I come from”

    The movie he promoted claims that black people are the real Jews / people of God. Kyrie thinks he’s being clever because under his beliefs, if he knows where he comes from, he knows that black people are the real Jews and therefore how can he be anti-Semitic against his own people / himself?

  11. mazeraki

    Don’t misconstrue this: he’s doubling down. He’s saying he “can’t be anti-Semitic” because he thinks he’s a black Israelite. He’s antisemitic and refuses to acknowledge his bigotry. Fuck his 500k, suspend his ass now

  12. the_dinks

    What’s scariest for me is if you go on Twitter, you see that the most liked comments are supporting him.

  13. mrsunshine1

    He said it twice like it was rehearsed. Makes me think he got that line from somewhere.

  14. neurotido

    Is he trying to say he can’t be anti-semitic because he thinks his people is Jewish?

    This dude really has never had an original thought before and really concerningly lacks the ability to critically think.

    I truly wonder what his circle is like, did no one really challenge this idea?

  15. stubear89

    He is doubling down. He is saying the same thing the video he was prompting was saying: that black people are the real Israelites by saying, “I can’t be anti-Semitic if I know where I come from.” He still holds the same beliefs and needs to be suspended.

  16. DetectiveBaby_Legs

    Kyrie doesn’t believe he’s antisemitic because he doesn’t believe Jews are Jewish so hate against them isn’t antisemitic

  17. Using an anti-Semitic trope when asked about anti-Semitism is certainly an interesting tactic.

  18. “I can’t be anti semitic if black peoples are the original Israelites”


  19. BuckDestiny

    Bro. HE LITERALLY USED THE KANYE LINE. “I can’t be antisemitic if I consider myself a Jew”. Get the fuck out of here. This man has no remorse and thought throwing a little pocket change would make it go away. Deflecting blame on people trying to hold him accountable. Jesus man.

  20. Sean Marks: “Ok we’re gonna let Kyrie speak with the media today”

    Sean Marks 2 min later: “Fuck me…”

  21. 2Monke4you

    Instead of asking if he’s anti-Semitic, use the language he already claims to agree with to ask the same question. Don’t ask him if he doesn’t like Jews, because he’ll just twist it around and be like “I am one so I can’t hate them.”

    Instead, ask something like “Kyrie, I know you claim you can’t hate Jews because you are a real Jew, but what is your opinion on all those white people who claim to be Jews as well?”

    I’d like to see his response to that.

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