@National Basketball Association

[TMZ] Joshua Primo Never Intentionally Exposed Himself During Therapy Sesh, Sources Say… “Many in his circle feel he’s a young guy who’s being taken advantage of by a medical professional twice his age”.

Can’t link to TMZ so I had to submit as a self post.

Excerpt from the article:

“…sources close to Primo are insistent he never intentionally exposed his privates … and if anything was visible at any time, it was strictly a wardrobe malfunction resulting from laying down on a couch in basketball shorts.

It’s been documented … JP had a rough childhood, and we’re told the psychologist was helping him work through some personal issues … so he’d almost always go to her office in shorts before or after practice or games.

The accuser’s attorney has identified his client as Dr. Hillary Cauthen … a performance therapist with the organization.

Our sources say Primo was shocked by the allegations … and many in his circle feel he’s a young guy who’s being taken advantage of by a medical professional twice his age.”

by BrndyAlxndr


  1. Wardrobe malfunction lmao. Worst excuse ever

  2. EuroStep0

    so what are they trying to say, he doesn’t wear underwear?

  3. shakehasbignuts

    “Josh Primo never intentionally exposed himself it just slipped out of his shorts we’ve all have that happen right guys”

  4. DaKingindaSouff

    What the fuck lol what happened to the hotel maid tho? Or was that horse shit?

  5. JohnnyWinss

    So far he:

    – Stated he was released for mental health reasons

    – Said this were all wardrobe malfunctions

    – Denied doing so altogether

    Yeah, not a great look Josh

  6. Na fuck this, the whole league is unraveling and Primo putting this shit only furthers the shit culture the NBA has been festering for a min now

  7. InfinitiQX80Driver

    i guess they’re abandoning the mental health statement

  8. robinThicc9

    This just in: an athlete’s circle of friends and advisers think that allegations against their friend are false

  9. bbythepier

    Now TMZ is a player’s mouthpiece. Wonderful. Just what the world needs, more celebrity shills. I was hoping TMZ would be more negative to a small bit NBA player to balance out the player puff pieces by The Athletic & People Magazine. Adds some balance to the western world.

  10. Josh Primo’s circle thinks Josh Primo did nothing wrong. I guess there’s nothing else to discuss then.

  11. TheTurtleShepard

    What about the hotel incident then?

  12. OozaruPrimal

    Doesn’t he also have a reported incident at a hotel too?

  13. JaylenBrownAllStar

    I wonder if the people in his circle have a bias for some reason….

  14. GregBowie

    Exactly the talking points advanced by his attorney in the statement, but this is written by TMZ as if it is some independent or more impartial source.

  15. How does one accidentally expose themselves?

  16. Cark_Muban

    How do you have a wardrobe malfunction 9 times lmao

  17. josephseeed

    What BS. As a man, if someone at work told me my dick fell out during a meeting, my #1 goal would be to ensure it never happened again. 9 times? Come on, that’s not a mistake, it’s a pattern.

  18. draculas-shaggyballs

    “Sources close to Primo”

    Bruh this report basically says **”Friends and family who would be hella pimped if Primo could continue his NBA career insist that their benefactor is completely in the right”**

  19. Crazy_Employ8617

    Primo should’ve just said nothing, and some team would’ve gave him another chance in a year or two tops. He’s just making things worse.

  20. jackbob99

    Sorry, your Honor. I didn’t expose myself to anyone. I just freeball and have a huge cawk.

  21. darko2309

    Does primo realize life isn’t porn. You can’t just wave a big dick around and expect her to drop to her knees lmao.


    Oh is that why multiple people are coming out on this and the woman in question suing is not looking for monetary compensation? What exactly could she be taking advantage of?

  23. HotspurJr

    How exactly would these “sources close to Primo” know what he did in his private therapy sessions?

    I’m sorry, but that’s infuriating. This comes up all the time in sexual harassment or sexual assault situations. I know it’s TMZ, but even still. “Well, he never exposed himself to me!” Y’think?

    It’s one of those things you learn, eventually, as guy – if you hear that a friend of yours crossed a line with a woman, “I never saw him do anything like that,” isn’t very meaningful – because it’s not like he would have done it in front of other guys.

  24. hurlcarl

    Who among us hasn’t had their dick slip out of their shorts repeatedly, on different days, to the same person? could be any of us.

  25. SnortinDietOnlyNow

    Between this and Kyrie’s bullshit, these have to be the worst excuses since OJ Simpson’s glove.

  26. iREDDITnaked

    Man if his dick was falling out while laying down because he was still wearing his practice uniform…. Then by that logic he’d be flashing his entire team & coaching staff everytime he goes for a rebound. Total bs.

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