@Brooklyn Nets

Chris Broussard Explains Why Kyrie Irving's NBA Career Could be in Jeopardy

THE ODD COUPLE – Chris Broussard & Rob Parker discuss what to make of Kyrie Irving’s latest media comments amid the statements made by him and the Brooklyn Nets regarding his post about a movie deemed antisemitic.

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  1. It’s not about black identity groups it’s about true history, in the Bible itself states Jesus was a Hebrew & his physical characteristics is a black person. White Supremacy suppressed this truth and some black identity groups don’t have all of the facts so they add to more misinformation

  2. It's about damned time he's held accountable. He's doing this to himself because he's an egomaniac. He's not just ruining his basketball career in the now, but he will probably never be invited to be an analyst or on any show to talk basketball.

  3. Apologize for what? He didn’t insult or insult anyone? Have people actually read the book or saw the movie?

  4. NBA doesn’t exist without the talent…the players should start their own league, the fans will watch! Watch!

  5. Jewish is a religion and if you disagree with it that should not be a problem….. that want to convince us that Europeans are Jewish and he believes black folks are the biblical jews

  6. Are we sure Kyrie still wants to play bball? He hasn't played much the last few years.

  7. I stand with Kyrie. Jews are not the only semantic people on this planet. I love ALL people! He is not promoting hate. The NBA is trying to beat this Black man into submission.

  8. REVELATIONS 2:9 & 3:9
    AW👁️KEN !!! EXODUS 2:25 & REVELATIONS 21:1,2,12

  9. Thank you, Chris! You said everything I wanted to say about Kyrie! Chris, you need to talk to Kyrie! You sound like the only one in media that can reason with him and know where he coming from

  10. Kyries one of the most ignorant people ever given a platform to speak to millions. Yet he thinks he’s some kind of savant 😂🤦‍♂️🤮

  11. Why are these black men spending so much of their time talking negative about another black man that made a mistake. If he was a white man and made a mistake these black men would not be out on social media saying the things that they are saying. We black folks just don’t ever learn. He made a mistake. Can’t you just let it go black men.

  12. This is just another version of group think. Either you believe what we tell you to believe and use the words we tell you to use or you are demonized and condemned. Most people don't understand how deep this goes.

  13. So people are being suspended for watching documentaries now?
    This is stupid this man watching a documentary did NOT devastate the world. There goes our free democracy 😂

  14. Kyrie doesn’t want to be forced to submit by a media that is looking to emasculate a black man. The NBA and public has the right not engage in the business of Kyrie, they can’t make a man say something that he doesn’t agree with.

  15. Kyrie will be out of the NBA in two years or less I don't agree or disagree with him everyone is entitled to his opinion but I know this kyie will not play at the NBA much longer

  16. It’s okay to hate the next black man but when you hate a so called “j3w” it’s a problem 💯 ironic

  17. Apologize for what, he never said nothing promoting anti Semitism..You dudes so sensitive nowadays,that it's pathetic…🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  18. The holocaust happen, so did slavery when It came to Africans. Both sides went through torture and struggle. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  19. Wake me up when the Nets cuts ties with Amazon for promoting, selling, and distributing, the documentary.

  20. I think that Kyrie feels that the Jewish Community think that they're some kind of Superior being and is not giving in to being forced to say Sorry after he acknowledge that parts of the book or film spread misinformation about Jews; and also said that he is not antisemitic.

  21. Two black man downing a young black man over a video he re-tweeted. Where were y’all when trump re-tweeted his white power video? Nowhere. He’s making a stand for the black culture. Black people of America have no answers to the history of slavery and are mistreated. Your dialogue Chris should of included his statements regarding that matter. no one what’s to be forced to apologize when he already said he was wrong and donating 500k. Y’all are missing his point and as black man It’s really disappointing.

  22. He is being stubborn out of principle. And then gaslights reporter. ??? What? So let's compare histories of suffering? Bizarre.

  23. This may be a pluralistic society but as far as I can tell there is nothing existential such as pluralistic evidence. Would be great to finally have a widely publicized debate / discussion over the merits of the historical / anthropological claims that are being made as regards "Who… Is… Who…?". Why is that, particularly, such a hot button issue and too egregious to dialogue over?

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