@National Basketball Association

[Stein] There’s a ‘feeling’ that Brooklyn’s remedial measures list was crafted with the knowledge that the Nets star point guard would be unlikely to complete all six items and could lead to a potential outright release

>There’s a ‘feeling’ that Brooklyn’s remedial measures list was crafted with the knowledge that Kyrie Irving would be unlikely to complete all six items and could lead to a potential outright release

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I believe the information is in the paywall version of Marc Stein’s Article

[Marc Stein’s Article](

by urfaselol


  1. wongplacewongtime

    Wow nets going with the Amazon/Big Four PIP as a formality approach

  2. “What should we put on this list that we know Kyrie can’t do”

    “Tell him to say sorry”

  3. legend023

    I get morals and all that but releasing Kyrie outright is dumb

  4. RichardIraVos

    Yeah wild list of remedial measures, such as condemning antisemitism. No way Kyrie can can do that, set him up to fail

  5. IversonsSleeve

    Hope he gets every penny on his contract !

  6. ThisAnswerIsLit

    He’s going to get released, do all these things, then sign with the Lakers

    We’ll still suck

  7. AngsMcgyvr

    We all know what team he’s going to if he’s waived.

    Celtics baby! Back in green!

  8. MostlyLostTraveler

    Suspend him. Don’t pay him and don’t release him.

    Let the NBAPA appeal it.

    Fuck him.

  9. Bigbadbuck

    We’re not gonna release kyrie. Wel hold him indefinitely suspended if he doesn’t. Then see if we can do a sign and trade if any ones dumb enough to take him next year

  10. L0adManager

    Was that the last time we saw Kyrie playing in the NBA?

    He was giving retirement vibes for a while anyway

  11. Dragonborn1212

    No shit he isn’t doing any of those things

  12. notjoeexotic

    The six items seem appropriate and not excessive, given the star point guard’s behavior.

  13. guy_of_no_name

    Good for him. He has a contract to play basketball, not complete these social justice side quests.

    Not a Kyrie fan but I’ll respect him more if he tells Tsai to get fucked.

    Downvotes to the left.

  14. callitajax

    Just cannot believe where Kyries career has gone since 2017. Honestly makes me sad one of the most talented players of all time has come to this. Hes only 30 and should be in championship contention right now.

  15. kasaan110

    Release him and watch somebody sign him idk why people think he done in the nba because he tweeted a picture of a movie lol

  16. DocDRabbit

    Nets camp: we want you to apologize and take time to learn why what you did was wrong

    Kyrie camp: they are clearly conspiring to release Kyrie and take his contract away from him

  17. Niceguydan8

    I feel bad for Nets fans because I really have liked watching them over the past few years…

    but good. Get him out. Sucks that it’s at the expense of the Nets but I think the league would be better without Kyrie.

    I am 100% biased becuase I haven’t liked Kyrie with all of this faux-intellectual crap for a long time but those sorts of ideas should not be propped up by a professional athlete that millions of children probably look up to.

  18. TatersTot

    If he’s released Nets should honestly get luxury tax forgiveness for his salary.

  19. moons_a_skull

    Hmm could you say they operated in bad faith?

  20. Superddone20222

    devils advocate but the players union needs to defend their guy here. NFLPA and MLBPA wouldn’t stand for this.

  21. IceCreamGoblin

    These are very reasonable things to do.

    If Kyrie can’t do them, that’s a him problem.

  22. Extension-Spray-5153

    Is Kyrie the Barry Bonds of the NBA?

  23. fintech1

    This list sounds more and more like the the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum. The demands on Serbia were designed to be completely unpalatable so as to precipitate the commencement of hostilities.

  24. His free agency is going to be quite interesting.

  25. walky22talky

    Is Kyrie the source of this “feeling”?

  26. 4thIdealWalker

    Good. He doesn’t deserve to play ever again.

  27. killerk13

    The only thing I think is unreasonable in that list was trying to force him donate 500k, everything else is pretty reasonable and should be carried out.

  28. RealPunyParker

    One of the quests is to donate to an organization that has stated they won’t accept his donation so the Nets are probably forcing the issue

  29. doordaesh

    so they choose the path to extend the fracas instead of just cutting him?

  30. nostradunkus6

    Imagine saying anything favourable to Kyrie in this situation.

  31. captyossarian1991

    What on that list is he incapable of completing? What’s the bridge too far? The apology?

  32. ChampagneAbuelo

    This is not surprising at all given that there was many reports last season that Joe Tsai hates Kyrie and wanted to get rid of him. So now they’re probably using this as an excuse to get rid of him. The league will probably even give them a tax break or something on the payout they’d give Ky if they buy out his contract

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