@National Basketball Association

[Darvin Ham] “We need to step up and play better. We can’t go out and get people, we are already a repeat tax offender. We can’t spend money to build a team. We already have three big-time, first-ballot future Hall of Famers that a chuck of our budget is spent on and there’s only so much left.”

This was in the postgame of the Lakers loss to the Jazz. Here is a link to the quote provided by ESPN:

Darvin Ham telling it like it is to the media. They are stuck with their roster. Only thing they can hope for is the players play better.

by WhenItsHalfPastFive


  1. WhenItsHalfPastFive

    Sometimes, you only win one championship in a championship window. Way better than zero, which is what almost all teams end up with in their window of contending for championships.

    It’s as simple as that.

  2. Damn lmao Darvin Ham was their best acquisition in the last 2 years

  3. killajaxx

    Lol that’s candid as fuck and i respect it. There really isn’t an easy way out here.

  4. I wonder who all these toxic fans are gonna blame now that Russ he’s playing like the best player of the team

  5. ctorresc

    Hield and Turner for Westbrook, the ’27 pick, and the ’29 pick

    I still can’t believe how the Lakers are massively underestimating how well Hield and Turner would compliment Lebron and AD, especially with how Hield and Turner are shooting the lights out this season

    Turner would be a guy they would target with cap space. Why not just get him a year early?

  6. Lol.. He ain’t telling it like it is. Far from it.

    Just because you have 3 HoF players doesn’t mean they are three HoF players in their prime. And just because those players are taking bunch of the salary cap doesn’t mean you have to have a bunch of starters who probably wouldn’t sniff decent bench minutes for other contending teams.

  7. HS941317

    Lmao Darvin Ham letting delusional Lakers fans know you can’t just go and get anyone in a trade like they always beg for

  8. Hes towing the company line. Thats what pelinka told him to say publicly after he told the reporters that they need to get russ, ad and bron some HELP.

  9. lets_talk_basketball

    Interesting the first thing he brought up was luxury tax. Cheap ass Jeanie.

  10. Darvin Ham seems to forget that if the chemistry is not found in a team, nothing good will come out of it. The chemistry with this roster is not there.

    Westbrook needs to be dealt with.

  11. CallMeBruceGold

    Almost like the writing was on the wall from the way this team was built like the 2004 Lakers.

    Question: Who knew?

    Answer: Pistons fans

  12. UnderstandingThis

    Vogel is a better coach but Laker fans keep ciirclejerking because they’re weirdly optimistic and he’s new. They’ll talk about how the offense is better when Vogel worked with a worse roster and they still aren’t making the playoffs.

  13. NicClaxtonIsHotAF

    Pelinka got this man in a choke hold

  14. Hired scapegoat. Can’t even hate on him, he’s just there to take a fall tbh.

  15. flexxx100

    The clock is ticking….lebronze isn’t going to bring them a REAL chip. Lakers fans are going to have settle for the Mickey Mouse one

  16. AutographedSnorkel

    Austin Reaves is a nice player, but I wouldn’t call him a first ballot hall of famer quite yet

  17. Is AD really a first ballot hall of famer? He’s had like 3 winning seasons in his career

  18. Kitdee75

    Everyone thinks Russ is the issue, when in fact it’s Lebron. I’ve loved Lebron since he came into the league, but his team leading days are long gone. Realistically, he should be giving them 15-20 minutes off the bench, that’s how much he has regressed. As long as he is determined to still be the man on the Lakers, they will be one of, if not the worst team in the league.

  19. Theyre really riding out a season with lebron. Fuck thats brutal. This team wont make the playoffs and im really wondering wtf their plan is. This team sucks worse than last season lol

  20. DEEZLE13

    Meanwhile the paint is a revolving door and Myles Turner is absolutely eating

  21. edwardfortehands

    this team is a disaster. hopefully all 3 are gone by the start of next season and we can rebuild.

  22. somecallmejrush

    There never was much hope,’ he answered. ‘Just a fool’s hope, as I have been told. – Gandalf

  23. The next best player after the big 3 would be the end of the rotation for the raptors (and we’re not even contenders)… and it drops of quickly after that.. even though Russ is better now, you still gave up 3 starter level role players and 3 SRPs that could get you some quality vets.. there is no in season trade that can fix their issues

  24. valleykid818MD

    Brutal honest take. The team without Lebron or AD on the floor looks like a G-league team.

  25. Darth-Baul

    I cant be the only one who read that as “repeated sex offenders” and was like wtf?

  26. DJBliskOne

    I respect Ham. He doesn’t mince words. We have 3 Hall of Famers and we are still losing.

  27. CupOfHotTeaa

    bron and ad gotta man up and block out the noise. play better and don’t settle

  28. pestosbetter

    Teams can’t pay players but the TNT crew got the bag to work one day a week 🙌

  29. NascarDriver03

    Kyrie? Schroeder Reeves
    Hield Lonnie walker the fourth
    Turner Meyers leonard

    They can still try and turn this around if they make some trades.

  30. climatological

    Are AD and Russ really first round HOF???

  31. Coach talking about repeater tax ten games in lol

  32. JayDogon504

    He’s actually not wrong at all. The problem is the top 2 guys are susceptible to injury and the 3rd guy is just a bd fit with at least 1 of those 2 if not both

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