@National Basketball Association

Brittney Griner being transferred to Russian penal colony

Brittney Griner being transferred to Russian penal colony

by NedFriarson49


  1. jack64467

    whats the difference between a penal colony and the jail she was in before?

    i know australia used to be a british penal colony

  2. just read that

    just brutal for anyone who cares about her. “Yeah, who knows where she went…we’ll let you know in two weeks.” And a gay black American woman? I’m really worried about what might happen to her. The people in that country give zero fucks…

  3. NeitherPlantain1440

    I feel bad for this girl.

    What the fuck was she thinking smuggling drugs through RUSSIA. šŸ˜Œ

  4. 2022-Account

    In before the edgelords on this sub tell us we shouldnā€™t care about this

  5. Maxxjulie

    I really would love to know if she did carry weed stuff on her or if it was planted? Maybe I’m a bad person but if it’s the former I would feel not as empathetic.

    For some I reason I think she got comfortable traveling there and probably got away with it before. This time got caught.

    Why take the chance when the penalty is your life is ruined? Just drink alcohol to relax that’s legal there.

  6. Work_U_Dumb

    Jesus Christ she’s basically being transferred to a fucking gulag.

    There are very, very, very few crimes on Earth where I would not feel bad for the person who ends up there, this is not one of those. Even if she did what she was accused of, she didn’t deserve a prison sentence, let alone this. I can’t imagine what her family must be thinking right now.

  7. She shouldn’t have brought an illegal substance with her….I don’t feel sorry for her tbh

  8. YoungNissan

    Yo, everyone who comes in saying ā€œdo the crime do the timeā€ shut the fuck up. This is a human being, remove the wnba shit out of your head. Yeah she is probably guilty, but a Siberian penal colony for weed bro? This is disputable, but from the country who are genociding Ukrainians rn, itā€™s unfortunate alright.

    I wish we could get her out but itā€™s looking bleak. This sucks all around. Sheā€™s been playing for this Russian team for 10 year and they are just using her for a political pawn.

  9. Altlurker30

    Is she basically being sent to somewhere in Siberia

  10. KingNephew

    She has such an uncanny resemblance to AD

  11. CometAzur42069

    And this is why Russia is bad and should not be allowed to practice imperialism uncontested.

  12. Mrnicelefthand

    How will BG45 psychologically recover from this if she ever returns home? šŸ™šŸ½go out to her and family. This situation has turned for the worse.

  13. NoDiver2011

    Itā€™s wild how like little people actually care if you are her. Like they do, until they donā€™t and just move on with their lives. My cousin recovered from cancer but it was really bad at one point, people cared, but like just kept on living their life. Idk you just realize you go through some traumatic shit and realize you are really on your own

  14. mr_robust

    The worst part is listening to conservatives applauding Putin & Russia and justifying their delusions just because she is a outspoken gay black female.

    These are the same racist European-Americans that banned weed in the first place because they were afraid it would cause black men to lose their minds and start raping white women.

    Yā€™all Qaeda AF

  15. khrismiddletonburner

    Fuck every single one of you that has said that she deserves this for two vape pens in every single thread. Iā€™m guessing that most of you are kids; but, *this* is fucked. Fuuuuuuuuucked. It was already geopolitically awful, but this is genuinely sad and extremely fucked up. God. I hope that this somehow comes to a good end but this scenario is beyond depressing for her and her family. I could not even imagine. She does NOT deserve this whatsoever.

    Whatā€™s even more sad? She was adored by Russian fans. A favorite of the teams she was on. That doesnā€™t matter whatsoever; this timing is nothing short of tragic from a human to human perspective. I hope that she is okay somehow.

    Iā€™d like to lastly pose a question to all of the people saying she deserves it: if this was your family member- would you be alright with them being sent to the Gulag and having no communication with them over a vape pen and some CBD? Have some god damn empathy.

  16. AlbrechtSchoenheiser

    On the surface to some people, myself included before I read more about her case, it just looks like she did the crime and had only herself to blame, but when you look a little deeper into it she was absolutely used as a political pawn.

    There are a multitude of articles out there regarding her case. Anyone who thinks that she deserves this should be encouraged to read any number of them. I hope the United States can negotiate her release.

  17. livelaughloaft

    The gulag for weed? What a bunch of squares.

  18. thedudeabides811

    She got caught up at the exact wrong time. Hopefully she can keep her head straight while in such dire circumstances.

  19. TheEmojiJabroni

    Say whatever about this poor woman, conservative or liberal viewpoint šŸ¤·

    But you have to feel for her.

    A pro athlete, who although isn’t making millions is still rich, in the prime of her life. Minor celebrity šŸ¤·

    And now she’s in fucking RUSSIA šŸ¤¦in a god damn fucking gulag.

    Horrible situation for her, and whatever lesson some feel she needed to learn about loving America, I bet she fucking learned it now šŸ¤·

  20. Drikkink

    Enjoy looking through all the buried comments from non-flaired people.

    I’m sure you guys are actually NBA fans and totally not bot accounts or people arguing in extremely bad faith.

    You can shout “BUT RUSSIAN DRUG LAWS” all you want. That doesn’t change the fact that literal Russians have said “Yeah 10 years for minor possession is absurd even by our standards.”

    She is being sent to a prison labor camp without her family having any idea where she is and what is happening to her. This happened literally 1 day after she met with people from the US government. Funny how that happened immediately after.

    The point is totally the weed. Not the fact that she can be a very valuable bargaining chip for Russia right now.

  21. mequals1m1w

    Fuck Russia. Pathetic, cowardly, vindictive criminal “country”.

    Very wrong place, very wrong time for Brittney.

  22. blessthefall11

    Sheā€™s a moron for bringing illegal substances into a backwards place like Russia, but goddamn I canā€™t help but feel so bad for her and her family. No weed charge should put you in the fucking gulag.

  23. Tantle18

    I am very much a person who didnā€™t sympathize with her at first. I think the arrogance and stupidity of her actions warranted something but now this is too much. This is fucked up.

  24. pestosbetter

    Holy shit this feels like the Otto Warmbier story

    But letā€™s just focus on one guys Jewish remarks? Wtf is going on in the world

  25. JudgeDredd602

    Sheā€™s going to Rura Penthe to see Kirk and McCoy.

  26. Truthful_Azn

    So she is about to be the starting center for team Gulag.

  27. 100_kg_90_de_belin

    State ruled by a ruthless oligarchy with a track record of human rights violations have little respect for human life when it comes to geo-politics and we still act surprised (or openly side with Russia because Griner is a Black queer woman)

  28. HeidiWatts

    Nine years in prison for less than a gram of hashish oil. Jesus christ.

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