@Los Angeles Lakers

80% of us joined for LeBron

80% of us joined for LeBron

by off_white_bkgd


  1. danzag333

    I didn’t join for LeBron. I just didn’t know Reddit existed back then.

  2. apedrotavares

    Been here since kobe days đŸ’Ș💛💜

  3. A lot of LeBron Haters joined just to talk shit too. Would happen if he joined any team in the League. Also, Reddit has grown since then too.

  4. BernardoDeGalvez

    Need to factor how much Reddit grew in thise years

  5. Gtggtggtg

    Now do every teams Reddit and you’ll learn that correlation does not equal causation.

  6. green-lazuli-8426

    Reddit active users around the time Lebron signed was over twice what it was in 2015. Sure some can be lebron fans but it’s also a lot of people just being new to reddit as a whole

  7. Culprit89

    Tbh I’m one of them. Won’t lie about it.

  8. wut_eva_bish

    LeBron himself isn’t the only explanation for a jump in membership. Sure he’s a huge draw, but if the OP is trying to make it seem like the sub is nothing but Bron stans, he’s probably wrong.

    If you hold this stat up to how people joined Reddit at all, you’d probably find that more people joined Reddit in the last 2-3 years site-wide.

    Also, people join because they like winning and the team with LeBron was also the team that recently signed Anothy Davis… a team that was poised to win a championship. So for sure we got bandwagoners too.

  9. FreqinNVibing

    I joined back in the Lonzo draft I think, been a fan since a kid tho

  10. 2022-Account

    So this sub is a bunch of fair weather fans, got it

  11. IHaveTooMuchToHide

    Love lebron. Happy his fans joined the team (the more the merrier).

    But I won’t lose sleep once he and them leave.

  12. oneironology

    Motion to send all Lebron Stans to /r/lebron so you weirdos can write your erotic Lebron fanfic in peace.

  13. SixGunChimp

    Yeah, and more people became fans of the Bulls when they drafted Michael Jordan. Why is this shocking news? Lebron is a generational talent. Wherever he goes, his fans will follow. And, as a team you want those fans to follow because they buy tickets, merchandise and basically promote your franchise for free.

  14. ImSickOfYouToo

    Oh, it’s pretty obvious with all the “trade multiple FRPs for Buddy Hield, I don’t GAF about 2027!!!!!” posts you see in here almost daily.

    I wonder why winning in 2022 is so much more important to them than winning over the next few years after LeBron is gone…hmmmmmm

  15. OuTLi3R28

    This is why I still go to LG – this sub is a fucking embarrassment.

  16. Hopefully those 80% would be gone once Lebron is gone.

  17. ColgateHitler

    “Reddit wasn’t popular” just because you didn’t know about it doesn’t mean it wasn’t popular.

  18. That’s like saying when Nicholas Cage releases a movie the amount of helicopter accidents decrease.

    As someone pointed out, it’s more likely that LeBron James signed during the increase of Reddit’s popularity. I, for one, joined recently because I started watching NBA this year and chose the Lakers (my main team though is Corinthians because I support national basketball teams)

    If we want deeper data that back this claim, or denies it, we should have a poll asking if people joined for LeBron or for Lakers, and that would be very silly.

  19. ThisAnswerIsLit

    Been here under different accounts since we were celebrating Byron Scott’s firing

    I have no problem with people who joined after LeBron

    People who cheered for the Celtics in the finals can fuck off tho

  20. DunkFaceKilla

    That’s why Lebron will go down as the best Laker of all time

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