@Golden State Warriors

Steve Kerr practice report; Warriors face the Cavaliers next

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  1. So funny to see Steve trying to put lipstick on Wiseman and Kuminga. They both have such low basketball IQ's, which is next to impossible to instill in players who've always gotten by on athleticism alone.

  2. i mean jordan was guarded by the best defensive player in that last stretch of last season when steph was hurt and averaged 20+ points. doesn’t make sense to me. i think it’s more about the lineups he’s in and the mental part of it, also with kerr telling him to be more of a playmaker he’s hesitant to shoot, trying to get guys involved, he’s thinking too much. i’m confident he’ll bounce back, he’s that dude

  3. Steve don't be a stumbling block for Kuminga let him learn and play the Cleveland Cavs will be a hand yall need your young players to play against those young players on the Cavs ok 💯

  4. Jordan Poole is playing PG position this year which he sucks at. He’s a SG player from what i saw last season. The PG position is affecting his game.

  5. I agree wiseman Nd kuminga has a low Iq they cannot use their athlethsm properly not like other young players are using their heads in playing both has no reflexes it will take time for these two esp kuminga who is a native hailed in suburban area

  6. Why waste money for these player which is not useful like igodala kuminga n wiseman this is the time for the management to wake up we must pity steph which is overuse warriors should have not let gp2 Otto porter to leave golden state up to when will Steve Kerr has to depend their lossses bcoz of lack in depensive

  7. Kerr with JK Wise Moody: “ Well everyone wants instant gratification, it just doesn’t work that way”

    Also Kerr: allows Klay to play selfish low IQ hoops

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