@Portland Trail Blazers

[Post Game Thread] The Portland Trail Blazers (9-3) defeat The New Orleans Pelicans (6-6) 106-95

[Post Game Thread] The Portland Trail Blazers (9-3) defeat The New Orleans Pelicans (6-6) 106-95

by Kazekid


  1. That Grant dribble move had me taking a shower. Absolutely disgusting. This might be the greatest road trip in the Dame era.

  2. nimbly118

    It is actually mind blowing how after all the chaos of last year and the off season, we’re the deepest team we’ve been in years.

  3. majorUser590

    This team is legit man. Crazy how we still have a lot of things to improve on

  4. loudstain

    Y’all see Dame’s smile at the end? 🥲

  5. phil3199

    Defense is legit. 2nd straight game they held the opponent to less than 100.

  6. clumsy_aerialist

    Right down Bourbon Street with a hurricane!

  7. Blazercaster

    Justise Winslow is a rich man’s Draymond Green

  8. CybershellX

    Some great basketball tonight. Great way to stay alive when Simons wasn’t on the court.

  9. my_balls_your_mouth1

    This team continuing to find ways to win without Dame is a sight to see. I love everything about this team.

  10. skulkingskeleton

    As much as I love CJ, watching him dribble into a jumper instead of feeding the piping hot, unstoppable Zion at the end, really reminded me of why I’m glad we finally moved on. Still, great guy and hope he finds success in NOLA.

  11. riztheshiz

    Trendon Watford gonna be the first player to win SL ring SL MVP and Finals MVP in the same year

  12. LateDish7840

    This is why we stay as fans for years like this. Let’s goooo

  13. This team man. What can I even say?

    Dame and NURK are just chilling on the bench!

  14. JimFromTexas77

    We’re one of the best teams in the NBA.

    Say it a few times, it feels good. Trust me.

  15. SydneyBlazer

    So glad I don’t have to endure CJ bricks anymore.

  16. Errattik

    This Blazers team plays so damn hard it’s a joy to watch. You guys got a bunch of dawgs. GG.

  17. Big game by Nas. Capitalizing on his minutes. Love to see it

  18. That Jerami crossover and dunk was the play of the game. That shit was CRAZY. Nassir stepped up big time. HELL of a defensive performance.

  19. Piano9717

    Grant is actually soo soo soo good. Also ant didn’t have the best shooting night but he made some great decisions especially out of those traps.

    Big shout out to Trendon finding cutters and open shooters on the short roll too. We haven’t had someone who can consistently do that since Plumlee.

  20. Bieberkinz

    Depth has gotten us so far, I remember having so many question marks post CJ trade and the frustrations, but holy shit this chow tastes good

  21. OnurMLGx

    Seeing dame happy at the end of the game feels so great. This team is something else.

  22. eats_shoots_and_pees

    I know there’s going to be a consolidation trade, and my brain knows that’s for the best, but my heart just wants to keep every dude on this team and just ride it out.

  23. JamesTerevau

    So many guys stepping up! Beyond stoked

  24. ButterscotchFew7491

    Right down bourbon street with a hurricane!!!!

  25. grandmastergreggy

    Not gonna lie the whistle was going our way tonight but our zone absolutely baffled New Orleans

  26. Burnem34

    Too lazy to look it up but I feel like this is encroaching on the best 10+ game start I’ve ever seen as a Blazer fan

  27. rexter2k5

    They really let us get Jerami Grant for nothing.


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